Parcel Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Parcel (PAR sell)

the United Island of Parcel


Off the northern coast of the Thoamaine Peninsula, in the Piercing Ocean sit the Parcel Cluster. This islands are one of the many island groups of the Pryde Waters, between Tinjir and the Heartlands. There are eight main islands of various sizes that make up the island group. Many other tiny islands dot the surrounding waters, around these main islands. Parcel’s northern location keeps the regional air cool, though thermal activity below the surface, help the islands stay relatively warm all year. This creates mild winters and cool summers. If not for the island's common year-around rain, the islands could conjure up images of mythical paradises of old.

Though the islands, as a group, are known as the United Islands of Parcel, in truth, there is very little unity. Each of the main islands have their own sovereign, known as the rex or regina (male and female respectively.) With Kronar, the large central island, divided between two cousins. Political intrigue is the endless battle that the Parcel fight. Each islands ruling families are related by blood, with continual marriages between the island keeping the royal gene pool small. The main islands have remained under the control of the same royal families since the days of the Capedian. The tiny surrounding islands are little more than pawns, continually switching between the various ruling families.

Parcel stays semi-united in large part due to the ‘Parcel League.’ The League is a council of sea-captains commanding fleets throughout the waters around the islands. The Parcel League controls sea travel and trade between the islands and with the greater world beyond. No captain or crew ally with a single island or royal family. Rather, their fleets are their homes, consisting of a large command galleon, surrounded by a variety of small fast ships. Parcel fleets often act as much as pirates against ships that do not pay League tolls, as they do protective escorts. While the monarchs of the islands squabble amongst themselves, thinking themselves rulers, it is the Parcel League that truly holds reign of the region through control of the trade lanes.


Capital: Multiple

Native People: Parcel

Native Language: Capedian, with the Common Tongue as a secondary language

A profiled image of an old Capedian ship is the unified icon of Parcel. Each island has their own colors they add to the sail and shields on the symbol.

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