Modjo Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil




Modjo people were a tribe of Somon dwelling along the western coast of Jerain. Like so many of the tribes of Jerain the people vanished from history. Unlike most of these tribes, that came, lived, and dwindled away with little to no records, Modjo people are known to history. That said, there is little understanding of who these people were and what their culture was like. This is odd considering that the Modjo were said to have an extensive nation and played a major role in defending Ethae from the Viakagi invaders. There are even some that suggest that the Capedian had contact with these people as far back as the Valmon Age.


The Los people of Southern Jerain knew them as the 'Chlachodine', meaning 'the people of stone'. Their legends about these people that lived stone cities with many towers, far to their north were long interpreted as the somon people describing Novyum nations. Modern scholars, however, have come to understand that these tales speak of the Modjo as more and more adventures find vast ruins deep in the Monanad jungles.


In the cultures around the Sea of the Ten Sisters, where we get the name Modjo from, these people were masters of sea travel. Modjo means 'whale hunter' in these cultures, and their vessels would often come to port in the cities throughout the sea, selling whale blubber. The Mericans people even speak of 'sea people' visiting their islands with great feast of whale meat, a claim stating the Modjo had 52 different ways of cooking the animal.


For the Dagmon, and especially the Viakagi, the Modjo were a major obstacle in their conquest of Ethae. The legends claim the Modjo were on par with them at sea, defeating Viakagi fleets many times. In their telling, it was only the repeated determination of the invaders, with wave after wave over the years slowly whittling down the enemies' forces. In the end they claim to have overcome and destroyed the Modjo culture.


There is no evidence, at least surviving, that the Modjo had a written language. An oddity if the stories are true about their vast nation across western Jerain's coast. Historians, especially those fascinated by the mysterious Modjo culture, send adventurers into the deadly jungles of central Jerain in search of the culture's ruins, with hopes of finding a lost library, or any texts for that matter.


The Modjo vanished during the Viakagi Era, lending credence to the dagmon claims of destroying the Modjo. Carlaton in Awiropa is said to be built on the ruins of the Modjo captial, wholes name is lost to history. These leads historians interested in the culture to flock to that city each year for study. The results are negligible given that the city has grown up over these ruins for centuries. Little is let of the orginal city beyond the stone that make of the streets. Talltales of catacombs and ancient sewers, however, keep the fantisy alive of finding the truth about this ancient culture.


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