Muonlar and Canonlin Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Muonlar and Canonlin

the Twins of the Purple


Perhaps the strangest of the most ancient Dragon, if not all dragons, Muonlar and Canonlin are twins that spawned from the same egg. They are always referenced together in ancients. This has led some to speculate that it is not two, but only one dragon, with modern translators of ancient text errored when deciphering the name. The two are also the only dragons known to not have a title granted to them.


According to the legends, the twins were children of Ninukur the Purple, born sometime in the early Randagri Period. At some point they slay Ninukur and his cult leaders, creating a new religion, the Cult of Two that will be dominate Enoshate throughout their reign and beyond.


Muonlar and Canonlin vanish from the historical records after the Gilgurth impact. The best guess is they somehow died in the event. The Cult of Two and the Cult of the Wyrm both claim Gilgurth was the catalyst for the twins to ascend to godhood. The cults believe they dwell Beyond Aldern speaking to their faithful in dreams and whispered shadows.



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