Nugata Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Nugata (New GATE ah)

the Immortals of Thoamaine


“From the time sails first reached above seas has the Heartlands come to conquer.” So the Tinjin proverb goes. Tinjir have seen many invasions throughout history. From the Capedian, to the Lakortha, to the most recent Novya, every major Normon power of Novyum has ‘come to conquer’ the rest of Ethae. And it seems that the lands that make up modern Nugator has been a primary staging ground for every invasion into Tinjir. Capedian structures can be found in Jedd Sol, Nugator’s largest port city. The great fortress city of Nu’ati, the nation’s capital, was originally built by the Lakortha. And the Nugata nobility themselves claim descent from the Novya.


These are a warrior people, for they are a people surrounded by enemies. Descendants or not, their ancestors fought to free themselves from the Heartlands' control. The Nugata vow they will never be controlled by any outside their borders. To the south the Orc gnash their teeth looking to swallow up the Human's lands. All the while the other nations of Tinjir are little more than squabbling city-states content with petty intrigue, coin and politics. The Nugata alone, hold the orcs at bay as the world crumbles around them.


The Nugata are descendants of the many normon incursions through the centuries. Very few native bloodlines remain in the land. Their skin tones are a peachy tone with some light tanning. The people’s hair are near universally blonde, though colors vary depending on the region, with darker sandy shades, even light browns, being commonplace in the western lands, while pale colors, some almost white, widespread in the east. A unique feature of the Nugata nobility is most, though not all, are born with an ashen pigmented hair shades. Eye colors of Nugata are near universally shades of blue.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Normon

Alignment: A chivalric culture, the Nugata are nearly always a lawful alignment.

Age: Like most, humans Nugata average about 80 in age.

Size: (Medium) Nugata tend to be taller then the average human, with most at an average of 6 feet.

Language: the Common Tongue is the native language of the Nugata people.  


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