


Pryde is a country in Novyum, the Northern Reach of Ethae. Pryde is the regions ancient name that has returned to popularity in the last century, the kingdom's name of Coiegon comes from the family that conquered and ruled the nation until rebellion end that royal line and returning the true royal family back to power after centuries of hiding.


Pryde stated as little more than a fishing village in the ancient world, with some believing its foundations predate the Black Collapse. Like its neighbors the town was absorbed into the growing Capedian nations as it spread across western Novyum. Its location in the Bay of Cogs on the far western region of Novyum's mainland made the town an ideal launching port for Capedian expansion west. Pryde grew into the primary naval post for Old Capedo, growing exponentially through the years. By the height of Capedian power Pryde's weath and population had grown larger than Old Capedo itself. It is this wealth and power that saw the Prydian feel more and more equal to their leadership in Old Capedo. This waning loyalty came to a head during the Parcel War (4518sc-4521sc) that saw the Capedian expansionist nations stopped in its tracks in Tinjir. The city rebelled a decade later as nationwide taxes became a sourse of resentment. A rebellion that was crushed swiftly.


Several uprisings followed over the generations to follow. Each were crushed, but each brought about more cultural pride, and a soliderity that they were Prydians, not Capedians. The final fight between Prydian rebels and the Capedians came in 4750sc with the Prydians finally having a victory. It would come to light in the centuries to follow that Lakorth was funding and supplying the rebels in this battle, but the damage was done. The declining Capedian nation has suffered its largest defeat on what it saw as its own soil.


The following centuries saw Pryde become the dominate naval power of the seas west of Novyum, with the islands around that sea that was now being called the Pryde Waters coming under their control. Pryde joined Lakorth as a vassal kingdom of the expanding Lakorth, becoming that nations western naval power in exchange for accepting Lakortha rule. Pryde remained a strong nation throughout the Lakorthian Age.


In the Novyum Age Pryde resisted joining the United Kingdoms of Novyum. They had joined Lakorth centuries prior for fear of Old Capedo's retaliation or other rivals coming to conquer. By the rise of the United Kingdoms, however, Pryde was strong enough to withstand war against most nations of the north if needs be. A coup, many believing orchestrated by the Novya, changed this, with the royal family seemingly wiped out and a new royal line beginning. Pryde joined the United Kingdoms of Novyum as soon as the cloud of assassinations dissipated. An unpopular decision that left many citizens dead in attempted coups and uprising. Pryde became a subjugated kingdom, with its capital, the city of Pryde being renamed Hambogin as a totalitarian effort to erase the people's identity.


Prydian resolve, as it had centuries before, never diminished, and only grew stronger the more it was pushed down. As the United Kingdoms of Novyum crumbled into civil war, the Prydians saw their chance. Without aid from the Novya the Coiegon royal family stood little chance of surviving and entire nation wanting them gone. The kingdom that had been renamed Coiegon became Pryde once more.


Today Pryde is an independent kingdom of Novyum, with plans to remain that way. They remain neutral in the wars outside their border. At least on paper. They have been unofficially stepping in to crush any local power that grows strong along their borders. Their people not wanting outside rival subjugating them again. The Prydians maintain a powerful fleet, controlling much of the waters around the Boy of Cogs. Though they no longer control the islands of the Pryde Waters as vassals, these islands hold close ties to the mainland nation. Pryde warships patrol their coasts as a sign of mutual respect. With the island providing goods and shelter in exchange.

Geopolitical, Kingdom

Capital: Hambogin

Native People: Prydian

Native Language: the Common Tongue

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