Sarhareia Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Sarhareia (sar ha RE AH)

the Lizardmen of Mainor


The Sarhareia Lizardfolk are a patriarchal society ruled by the eldest male of the tribe. Females are considered equal to the males, though the culture frowns on female warrior, as the role of egg bearer means their value lays in the tending to tribal needs while the males are expected to charge into an enemy with little regard for life.


Native to the Sarhara of Mainor, the Sarhareia bury their villages in peat mounds accessible only though underwater tunnels. Their mounds, though recognizable to the aware, are domed hills in the middle of flat lands and are well disguised by flora growth cultivated by the tribe. The flora on the dome is made primarily of useful plant life for the tribe below. The interior of the mound has a large central cavernous space surrounded by smaller personal 'rooms' for families. Adults with no mate dwell in the common space until a mate is acquired.


Sarhareia practice a form of Woyd’lonn that they learned from the elves of the past. There is a near worship level view of the Sarhara. To them Sarhara their mother, the source of life. They believe heavily in the 'circle of life' with all nature balanced. Theats to the Sarhara's ecosystem will be eliminated without remorse or sentiment. A tribes will also obsessively nurture an area of land, plants, or beasts that have been thrown out of this balance in their territory. It should be noted, that the Sarhareia do not mind outsiders coming into their domain to hunt, cultivate plants, or cull animals. Clipping plants and removing animals to prevent overpopulation is a natural part of life. Balance, however, must be maintained. A tribe will give warning to any traversing their lands that look to be throwing their balance off. It will be one warming, one alone. An attack will follow if they party does not alter their ways.


Outside a contact to warn of transgressiona, usually by a single Sarhareia scout, the people are a shy folk. They largely stick to travelling low, and unseen in the brush or swimming the waterways. They are known to the people of Hurrian, and respected for the most part. It has been more than one occasions a child has wandered into the Sarhara and thought dead, only to turn up on the edge of town claiming to be rescued by the lizardmen of the marsh. That is not to say they are friendly, as on other occasions the townsfolk have thrown debris and trash into the wetlands only to find quick retaliation from the Sarhareia. This usually comes in the destruction of buildings, either through burrowing floodwaters under the structure, or burning it outright. Attacking the people of the city is avoided by the Sarhareia, both for the fact that they would not want to hurt any innocent of the polution, but also, they know a war with the humans could mean destruction of their land and people.

The Sarhareia have a mixed relationship with the Qwn’yia of Mainor as well. They despise the witches Minotaur minons, seeing them as abominations of nature. Minotaur skulls are decoration to the lizardfolk, displayed in the central hall as trophies. Witches will be avoided when possible, and Sarhareia shaman work to keep their mounds safe from scrying eyes. That said, there will never be hostilities if a Qwn'yia is encountered. The Sarhareia show timid respect to the witches as rulers of the lands. Qwn'yia will annually arrive in the Sarhara to claim eggs from one tribe or another. The tribe is expected to comply and in return the Sarhara is lift free to all lizardfolk. One tribes sacrifice for the good of all their people. Only once has a tribe resisted. That tribe vanished and the surrounding Sarhara scorched for miles. None resist today. It is unknown what the Qwn'yia use the Sarhareia eggs for.


Sarhareia are smaller than their kin in other lands, usually never reaching more than 3 to 4 feet tall at most. Their manorisums are much more lizard like than others as well, with some describing them as clothed lizards standing upright. Colorful shades of green and blue are most common for their scales, though yellows and browns do creep into some tribes. Both males and females grow ridges and horns. Likes all lizardfolk Sarhareia do not nurse their young. As such females do not develop breast like other races. Outsiders often struggling to differentiate the sexes. Eyes are dark and solid, almost always black or brown.

Ability Score Modifiers:

A Sarhareia can increase any one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. (But cannot increase one score by 3)


Alignment: Sarhareia, like all lizardfolk struggle with understanding moral ideas like good and evil, all is balance to them, as such they are nearly always a neutral alignment.

Age: Sarhareia are considered adults by age 10, fully grown by age 20, and live to an average of 80 years.

Size: (Medium) Sarhareia are considered short compared to other lizardfolk, being around 3 to 4 feet tall at most..

Speed: 30

Bite: Lizardfolk have sharp teeth which, if unarmed, they can use as an effective weapon. This is a slashing attack of 1d6+str bonus.

Long Lungs: A Sarhareia, prehaps more than other lizardfolk spend time in and under water. They can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes if needed.

Frenzied Hunger: As a bonus action, a Sarhareia can make a bite attack. If the attack hits, the Sshalke gains hit points equal to its strength bonus. This attack can be used a number of times equal to the strength bonus. After which cannot be used again until after a long rest.

Scaled Flesh: The scales of a Sshalke are tough, granting an base AC of 12+dex bonus if they are not wearing armor.

Connected with Nature: Sarhareia's connection with nature allows them to learn two of the following skills: Animal Handling, Medicane, Nature, Perception, Stealth, or Survival.


Language: Sarhareia have an unnamed native language that consists of hisses and clicking sounds, untranstatable to most. Those few that communicate with those races outside their lands learn the Common Tongue. Their tongues and throats are not made for this language, however, and their accents have a very hissy sound to them.


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