Seblug's Corpse Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Seblug's Corpse (seb LUG)

Seblug's Ruins or Seblug's City


Build on the southern side of the black rock formation known as Seblug’s Corpse, one will find the ruins of an ancient Zalpula town whose name has been lost to history. Today these ruins are known commonly as Seblug's Corpse, though some other names like Seblug's Ruins or Seblug's City have been used as well.


Few, outside the nomadic Lhakamen of the desert known of the ruins today. Fewer still known the ruins are controlled by the Tostag Orchold. Orc that have dwelt in them since long before the Horde Storm Invasions. This Orchold in that and every other orc invasion of Tinjir. They largely keep to themselves and rarely are seen beyond their territory, the Tostag have made agreements with the local Lhakamen communities of nonaggression. The orc allow traders and travelers into the lands and settlement as long as peace is maintained and trade is given. They will however attack any threats to their domain and peace full living.

Large town


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