Seblug’s Corpse Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Seblug’s Corpse (seb LUG)

Elder Tree Seblug's Remains


The site where, according to legend, Elder Tree Seblug once grew in what was once the great forest of the west, Karasaanu, is nothing but a desert of rock and sand in all directions today. The massive black rock jutting out of the ground is believed to be the burnt, petrified remains of the elder tree's trunk. A spring flows out of the eastern base of 'the Corpse', flowing south and providing live giving water to the region, before disappearing into the sands a few miles farther south.


On the southern side of the formation the ruins of an ancient elven city built in the days of Zalpula exists. The name of the lost city is forgotten, with most simply calling it Seblug's Corpse. The city, rock formation and surrounding region is controlled by the Tostag Orchold. These Orc have a nonaggression agreement with the Lhakamen of the area, allowing shelter and trade in their settlement. Expecting the visitors to bring vital items to trade of this service. Relatively peaceful as they may be, they are quick to defend themselves should a threat be perceived.

Rock Formation

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