Tostag Orchold Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Tostag Orchold (toe stag)

Orchold of Isolation  

The Tostag are Orc dwelling the Amber Wastes, south of Lhakamed. These orcs are rarely seen due to their remote location. They make the ruins of Seblug's Corpse out in the Desert of Anbar. Tostag have largely put aside their aggressive past for a more passive life cultivating small farms in their ruins, herding goats, and trading with Lhakamen nomads of the desert.


The small numbers and passive lifestyle have tempted many into thinking the Tostag as weak. This is far from the truth. These orcs have a mastery of the Anon (Magic) on par with elves. Their elders dedicate themselves to the study of the old ways and the secrets of their home. These orcs send parties into the deep desert to search for Dragon Glass. Their city decorated with the material, along with Lightning Glass, designed for defense against attack. Invaders quickly find themselves in a maze of streets blocked by invisable walls, consumed with balls of lightning and fire, or frozen in place to be dispatched later by the orc.


Like their cousins the Taba Orchold orcs, this Orchold has been in the land as long as any remember. Their numbers are a fraction of what once they were. Many believing they will soon fade into history, as so many ancient peoples have before them. Until then, they linger on in their homeland ignoring the outside world.

Geopolitical, Tribe

Capital: Seblug's Corpse

Native People: Lhakamed Orc

Native Language: Orcish


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