Anthealglas the Ever Hungry Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Anthealglas the Ever Hungry

the Scourge of Zalpula


While the history of Elf hatred for Dragon kind is known worldwide, few dragons gain more ire and curses than Anthealglas the Ever Hungry. The 'Scourge of Zalpula' as poems portray him was a dragon of unknown color during the Heroic Era of Ethae history, dwelling in Tinjir. For such an infamous creature of legend and history, little is known about this dragon. Even, as stated, is color is unknown. The dragon only appears in records twice, both his attacks of the ancient elf kingdom of Zalpula. Both attacks were destructive to the civilization, and both resulted in the death of the then leader of the people. These two attacks and the slaying of so many 'heroes' during them cemented his place in history for the elves. The dragon that wanted and perhaps succeeded in crushing the dream of the Areian Nations reborn.


Anthealglas was said to be afraid of only one elf, Akavia, though there is no evidence that they ever meet in battle. He was finally slain by her granddaughter Mari Locnehta in 3705sc when he attacked Zalpula the final time. His battled with the elves during the Heroic Era kept his name relevant through the ages as tales of the era continue to be shared even today. Anthealglas' bones are rumored to still lay somewhere south of Toemanshire in the rocky crags somewhere out in the Desert of Anbar. Though many expeditions have searched, none have found them. Any native Lhakamen or Orc that know their location keep it a guarded secret for some unknown reason.



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