Thapon Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Thapon (THEY pon)

High Hero of Zalpula


Soun'are hero of Zalpula during the Kephic Age, Thapon is famous for his battle with Anthealglas the Ever Hungry that drove the Dragon away from his nation, though at the cost of his own life. The only son of Enzero, and nephew to the far more famous Akavia, Thapon is one of the many figures of his time that has grown larger than life. His deeds, though not as well known throughout the rest of the continent of Ethae, are popular in Tinjir to the modern day. This is especially true in the Kingdom of Bronze, where many theater troupes dedicate their largest productions to Thapon myths. Many of these should be taken with a grain of salt as new legends of the hero show up every year, even 3000 years after his dead.



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