Themaster (THAH mast her)

Thule Master


Themaster, called Thule Master in the past, is a small fishing town on the northwestern coast of Lhakamed in the Bay of Thules, part of Tobia's Gulf of Tinjir. It is a small town, but also the primary 'port' for the kingdom of Seely. Only able to take small boats and shallow water ships, it is largely unused for any sort of shipping, out side of the occasion runs between it and Tomaton to the east.


The estuary at the end of the Boar's Run River, where ther river meets the bay has always been a poor location for any sort of port. The region, as is with much of the coastlands of the Bay of Thule, is muddy and unstable for construction. The river slow deposit if silt over the ages has left it difficult for any, but the shallowest of vessels from appoaching. THe Lakortha changed this.


In the earliest days of Lakorth's arrival in Tinjir there was war. But as time passed the sides of the conflict found peace. One of the innovations the Lakortha brought with them was their building skills. The mouth of the river seemed an idea location for a port in Lhakamed. The river was a source of freshwater, and its westerly location aided in the transport of mined ore. The Lakortha set to work, drudging the esturary and the nearby coastal sands. They sunk great foundations into the ground, building the port on top. The port of Thule Master was founded.


It thrived during the Lakorth's era in Tinjir, and continued to be a port long after. The river, however, was the cities greatest enemy. During its height, Lakortha engineers kept the waters deep and free of debris. The cities status as a major port lasted only as long as Lakorth remained in control of the city. After their departure, though it continued to be useful, the resources to maintain the waters declined. Thule Master was far too expansive to maintain when other ports were able to fill the job, albeit with a bit more travel time.


Thule Master survived however, less vital, but functional. That is until the Novya invasion. The United Kingdoms of Novyum conquest of Lhakamed was devastating and near complete. Depopulation and destroying of cities and downs spread across the land. Thule Master was not saved from this. Bombardments from the sea and invading soldiers by land left little of the once large city standing.


Over time, repopulation happened, at least in a few of the once great towns of the region. Thule Master being one of these. Now called Themaster, a bastardization of the ancestorial city name. Descendants of the original population returned, building a small town atop the great foundations of old. Crumbled ruins only served to speed up the silting process and left the water around the port shallow, sandy and full of underwater obstacles to navigate. Small personal fishing boats and shallow water ship, that travel the coast between Themaster and Tomaton, are all that travel these port waters today.


The foundations of the old city have transformed the wild estuary of the river into a healthy stable, albeit shallow, waterway. The streets of the old city are underwater now, or buried below soil. These old streets make an excellent canal system for creating a small harbor for foats. The citizens have also used some of the larger flooded Lakortha castle foundations to create farms for fish and eatable seaweeds. A quiet selfsustaining town for the folks who seek to live a simple life away from the busy waterways to the east.

This is until the Orc invasion of resent years. Half the population was slaughtered in the attacks, survivors fled into the western hills, seeking refuge in Harl's Mine. During the occupation the town's entire population was orcs. With the invaders defeat the surviving population is returning to rebuild their lives in the once idealistic town.



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