Boar's Run River

the Green River


The Boar's Run River is a small branch of the Redhand River of Lhakamed in Tinjir. The river flows just over thirty miles north, out of the Redhand, reaching the Bay of Thules.

This river is largely unremarkable. Its a shallow rocky river dense with vegitation on its banks. The soil is marshy and difficult to travers and build on. Its only notablity for the people of the region is as the border between Seely and Toemanshire.

Pigs, brought to the land by the Novya during their conquest, have given the river its name. Many of these pigs were let loose or escaped as the Novya departed. The surviving descendants of these dwell in the valley, dominating the ecosystem. A hunting ground for both the Seely and Toemanshire people looking to roast a pig during celebrations.

While ruins of the past can be found along the river valley, halfsunk or crumbled, there is little in the way of civilization along the Boar's Run. The expcetion to this is Themaster, a small fishing town built at the end of the river, where it meets the gulf. The shallow waters of the esturary prevent the town for acting as a port, and the town is largely quiet, but used as a communcation and light travel hub between Seely and the Toemanshire capital of Tomaton.

Over land, an acient Lakortha road remains and has been rebuilt. The road runs along the upper valley, north/south on the Seely side. This road connection Themaster to both Seely, but also continues into the riverlands of the Redhand River to connect with Tomanshire lands.



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