Bay of Thules Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Bay of Thules

the Sea of Monsters

The Bay of Thules, sometimes called Thules Bay, is the portion of Tobia's Gulf that is within the 'hook' of the Thorn Horn of Tinjir. It is a deepwater recess between the tip of the Horn and the mainland Lhakamed.


It is largely a quiet water today, with the only real travel on it running along the Lhakamed coast. In the past, however, during the Lakorthian Age, and even farther back into antiquity, it was a major water way between the dominating cities of the region such as Polis on the tip of the Horn. Even farther back into history it was said to be home to creatures of the deep that would swallow ships whole. Cradle-tales told to children of Tinjir, more fantasy than fact. At least in the minds of modern sailors of the Gulf.


In the modern day the coast is dotted with ancient, some not so ancient, ruins of fishing towns and ports. Only Themaster remains today. A small town that is built on the foundations of a ruined Novya fortress port. The shallow waters off Themaster's coast make it difficult to call a port, as larger seafaring vessels find it impossible to dock. This leaves the town as little more than a minor access point to the western regions of Lhakamed.


Attempts have been made by the Orc of the Besed Orchold to establish a port on the Thorn Horn coast. But these have, thus far, been thwarted by the people of Seely. A resent nonaggression treaty between the Human of Seely and the Besed has ended the orcs attempts as Seely claims the bay as their territory in the treaty.


At best the waters of the Bay of Thules is largely ignored by merchant ships and travelers. Only the fishermen of Themaster and messeger ships between Seely and Toemanshire can be found on its waters today.



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