Vervigon Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Vervigon (VEAR vah gahn)

The Barbarians of the North


Vervigon were a Human culture that lived in northern Novyum during the Lakorthian Age. The Vervigon first appeared in records as a barbarians living in cold forests north of Lakorth. A threat in the early stories, they would later become Lakorth-allied barbarians used in many campaigns. Relations between the Vervigon and Lakorth varied over time, with the two working together in wars, making treaties when convenient, and warring with one another when weaknesses were seen.


The origins of the Vervigon have been lost, but most consider them an amalgamation of many northern tribal peoples that resisting the idea of unification and subjugation under Capedian rule. The moniker of 'barbarian' came from the Capedians, who viewed anyone under their influence as uncivilized.


With the rise of Lakorth, the Vervigons were considered a low threat in their early days, despite dwelling in the Heartlands. This was largely due to their dwelling on the fringe of civilized regions, remaining in remote ancestorial regions. Despite their reputation as brutal fighters, these tribes were more than willing to trade with the expanding nation to their south. This gave the Lakortha little reasons to expend resources to crush the barbarians that were willing to submit as long as they retained their lands and independence.


Over time, however, Lakorth pushed for more control, leading to resentment in the Vervigon and fighting broke out. The Vervigon burned a line of destruction across northern Novyum, including the looting and razing of Old Capedo. Lakorth's lack of armies in the Heartland gave the Vervigon's free rein over the north until an army could be mobilized. The fight between the Lakorth army and the Vervigon, known as the Battle of Peper Lake, ended with an overwhelming victory for the Vervigon and the Lakortha defeated on their own soil. It is also considered, by a small few, the starting event that ending the Lakortha reign over Ethae.


Despite the major victory in this battle, Vervigon leaders saw no victory in a prolonged war. Reports of a new, larger Lakortha armies mobilizing to defend the Heartlands would ultimately lead to the end of their people. Lakorth seemed to have an endless supply of warriors. After the battle, with the leverage of victory and free reign to burn anything, the Vervigon negotiated a treaty with Lakorth. allowing the barbarians to settle in the lands of the Nopum Peninsula. The settled Vervigons integrated with the Nopeli population of the peninsula and faded into history after that.


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