
the White Stag


Of the seven Narasan in myth, Yella is both the most documented, and yet perhaps the least understood of them all. Especially considering he, like Dreadcap, is considered to still exist in the modern day. Yella is the herald protector of Elder Tree Hamis. The two dwelling in the Loslands of southren Jerain since before recorded time.

Yella's appearance seems to change, depending on who and when he is viewed. Many say he a no bigger than an average deer, others say he is massively larger. Some say he is mundane in appearance, others claim transparent, or glowing with a celestial aura. Despite all these description, the traits that stays consistent are that he appears as a white stag, and great horns, glittering as if like the stars of the sky within.

Many believe he lairs in a cavern among the roots of Hamis. Others claim he dwells in the Beyond Aldern, appearing and disappearing from reality at will. When he appears, it is always an omen of good and ill. To the Los he is a blessing, to outsiders a sign of doom. In either instant the seer of this narasan will have their lives changed forever.


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