Dreadcap Myth in Aldern | World Anvil


the Black Wolf


Elder Tree Brimad's choice for its Narasan (avatar protector) was the deadly black wolf Dreadcap. Despite the tales that no one sees Dreadcap and lives, the wolf is described as being the size of a Dragon, with black coat and red eyes. The wolf dwells in the Brimland. Her den is believed to be on the Brimad mount among its roots where she is attended by Brimies, when not out hunting her domain, killing all intruders.


Dreadcap is one of the only narasan that is named in tales of the mythical Aggelomachy. She was considered a supernatural force of pure destruction, felling any that challenged her. Sometime after the war she came to dwell under Brimad and was chosen by the tree to be its narasan. The wolf has remained with the tree through the ages, protection the tree and its lands.


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