Muassu Ocean

The Muassu Ocean

  Separating the southern end of Mizra'aki from the great southern continent, the Muassu Coast borders Slovan and Myr nations.   West to east, the nations with coastline on the Muassu are  
  • Kema
  • Glyppe
  • Wailia
  • Toniyll
  • Kytosia
  • Laeth
  • Nyria
  • Thasia
  • Esmos
  • Additionally, the island of Iben, which is now divided into the nations of Cyra and Thuyle, lies in the Muassu.   At the far west, the Muassu joins the Yelewimi Ocean; at the far east, it merges with the Mastel Ocean.   The Muassu, especially from Iben east around the peninsula of Esmos, is quite treacherous, both with reefs and rocky outcrops, and with storms that blow through the area, especially during the months of The Bud and The Spring.
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