
Slovan Culture

  The Slovan are the most populous culture in Mizra'aki, but Slovan land contains a massive diversity of political and economic structures, governments ranging from radically democratic to pseudo-fascistic, and cultural traditions ranging from state-enforced secularism to several thriving religious structures.   So what makes them all Slovan?   Like many things, it's complicated. Slovan culture combines two underlying ideas:  
  • Reysel, an essential individualism that promotes the possibilities open to all people; and
  • Kanit, a stance towards the evaluation of the material world as proof of success.
  • Slovan Individualism

      Reysel refers to the untapped possibilities that dwell in every living being. It is the root of legend and fables, and in a world where some small percentage of the population develop immense and often supernatural power, there is plenty of evidence for its existence. This bears reflection: Reysel is not American individualism, which is largely mythic; instead, it refers to something that rarely, but regularly, exists in the world of Alemi.   Reysel is a different concept than fate or destiny: those are actions, Reysel is potential.  

    Slovan Virtue

      Kanit refers to the legitimacy of the many paths to worldly success. Again, there is nuance here: far more than an insistence of something as simple as the ends justify the means, Kanit refers to an acceptance--even an insistence--that there are many ways to succeed in the world, as an individual (and here is where Kanit and Reysel combine), as a collective, as a nation.   Kanit does suggest a fluid morality, for sure, for as the Slovan saying goes, If there is food in the hearth and the roof holds water, what else is there?   It is, therefore, a testament to something else, some unnamed and unspoken part of the Slovan world view, that prevents the entire region from collapsing into dictatorship and tyranny.  

    Slovan Diversity

      The history of other Slovan states mirrors the diversity of their cosmology, even down to the names of regions and cities, where more variance and less fealty to a single linguistic and/or cultural group is seen than anywhere else in Mizra'aki.   That said, this same diversity does not extend to all races: many Slovan cities have very few Dwarves. While some claim this is because they are all living in hiding beneath the Vanahrut Mountains, the truth is many Slovans hold very poor opinions of Dwarves, and actively discourage them from remaining in Slovan territory. In related news, many parts of the Slovan world are particularly welcoming to Gnomes.

    Slovan Time

    ... 0

    • -3 ST

      11 The Sprig

      The Defeat of Virion
      Military action

      With the defeat of the demigod Virion, the world was released from centuries of darkness and despair and all that bad stuff.

    • 7 ST

      9 ST

      The Cleansing of the Hills
      Military action

      A two-year campaign to rid what is now Hotria of a large presence of undead. Central to the formation of both The Nuzan Sect and Kobeshek's Dissent, with the question being whether the cleansing was led by Nuz or by Kobeshek.

      Additional timelines
    • 53 ST

      90 ST

      The Wars of the Small
      Military action

      An extended series of violent action between the Dwarves and Gnomes of Hotria, as Kobeshek's Dissent splintered from The Nuzan Sect.

      Additional timelines
    • 357 ST

      Founding of the Yebdwisain Circle

      The College of Bey, Parkour College, Ybrahyme College, and Kuti College come together to form the The Yebdwisain Circle.   The current membership of the consortium was settled in 1037.

      More reading
      The Yebdwisain Circle
      Additional timelines
    • 487 ST

      8 The Depth

      Revi's Ascension
      Religious event

      At 99 years old, the pirate Revi--already a legendary figure in and around Lake Sanniyati--was struck by lightning while standing on The Broken Stone.   His body was infused with lightning, elevating his status to that of a deity. This date marks both his ascension and the formal founding of Revi's Order.

      Lake Sanniyati
    • 701 ST

      Birth of Guattari Fel
      Life, Birth

      Birth of Guattari Fel.

    • 966 ST

      Founding of the Circles of the Innate

      The original Circle of the Innate goes public in Yotara. It is joined by the Circle in Einenil (968) and Suraksā (986).

    • 1015 ST

      Fel Becomes High Chair
      Life, Organisation Association

      Guattari Fel becomes High Chair of The Prismatic Line.

      Additional timelines
    • 1189 ST

      Founding of The Hex

      Building on discussions between Warlock from Bath, Atrinh, and Newport, by the end of this year representatives from Gysse, Irgath, and Donye joined to form the original six members of The Hex.   The satellite model was full, with forty-two operating Hex centers by 1222.

      More reading
      The Hex
    • 1374 ST

      10 The Depth
      1379 ST

      3 The Wind

      The Ceding of Thessae
      Military action

      A war between Anehriael and Ma'ji which Ma'ji lost, resulting in ceding land along its western border, including the city of Thessae to the Holy State of Anehriael.

    • 1379 ST

      19 The Gather

      WAR between Glyppe & Dhake
      Military action

      A war for territory between Glyppe and Dhake. Things are currently not going well for the Dhach.   See The Irkfel Assault.

      Additional timelines
    • 1382 ST

      10 The Gather
      1383 ST

      17 The Turn

      The Irkfel Assault
      Military action

      In a brutal and short assault, the armies of Glyppe overwhelmed the Dhach forces surrounding Irkfel. Within months, Irkfel and the territory west and south of it was welcomed into Glyppe.


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