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King Augustus Jerome

Together with his wife, Queen Anastasia Elise, King Augustus Jerome served as the ruler of the Kingdom of Freydin. His only daughter, Princess Dawn Erindora and Dawn's husband Thaddeus took the throne from the King and Queen when they retired.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Augustus has short grey hair, kind blue eyes, and the beginnings of old age wrinkles are just starting to appear on his face.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

King Augustus Jerome married Anastasia, the daughter of a prominent duke, just before his father succeeded the throne to him. The marriage was arranged for them, but Augustus and Anastasia found that they got along quite well, and it was not long before they were ready to have a child of their own. However, the pair had trouble conceiving a child, and it was only after a visit from a Preceptor of the church of Pelor, who had been blessed by the god of life, that Anastasia became pregnant with Dawn.

Gender Identity


Accomplishments & Achievements

Among Augustus Jerome's other accomplishments, one of his foremost achievements is in the work he did creating diplomatic ties with the orcs of Freydin. Many monarchs before Augustus did little to extend diplomatic relations to the orcs, and some were outright violent toward them, but Augustus believes that the orcs of Freydin can be productive members of society if only given the chance.

Failures & Embarrassments

There was a short period of time when the wizard Orin imprisoned King Augustus Jerome and Queen Anastasia Elise, replacing them with doppelgangers which he used to take control over the country. This failure still weighs heavy on Augustus.

Personality Characteristics


King Augustus Jerome wishes to see the Kingdom of Freydin prosper and flourish, and believes that the orc tribes have an important part to play in that.


Family Ties

Religious Views

King Augustus Jerome and Queen Anastasia Elise are both devout followers of Pelor, and they have instilled that same faith in their daughter.

Social Aptitude

Augustus Jerome is kind, gentle, and outgoing. He has a true knack for diplomacy.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Freydin
Current Residence
Kind blue eyes
Short gray hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, with the early stages of old-age wrinkles starting to appear on his skin
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Orc

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