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Queen Dawn Erindora

Physical Description

Body Features

Dawn's skin is fair, denoting her noble upbringing, and she carries herself with confidence.

Facial Features

Dawn has kind blue eyes and a round face, with a smaller-than-average nose.

Apparel & Accessories

Dawn typically wears one of two sets of armor. For affairs of state she dons a gilded and ornamental set adorned with imagery of her god, Pelor, and when engaging in actual combat she switches to a more practical and functional breastplate of polished steel.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dawn first appeared to the Antiheroes in Ravenmoor, where she and her band of adventurers had been hired as security for Thomas and Alice Cranston. After the Cranstons' deaths, she stayed behind in Ravenmoor to ensure continuity of governance. It came as a shock to the party when they next encountered Dawn during a formal ball in Ferindel, where she was presented as Princess Dawn Erindora, betrothed to Thaddeus' brother Gavin. After the ball, the Antiheroes and Dawn's band formed an alliance to root out the conspiracy within the palace that had been killing members of the Council of Eight. As hordes of warforged emerged from the palace basement to overrun Ferindel, the groups were split again.   Dawn's band reappeared in Redwater, where they had been holding off the shadowy forces of Al-Kin and Queen Ixlati. Her comrades stayed behind in Redwater while Dawn accompanied the group to Ravenmoor, where her abilities as a cleric of Pelor were invaluable in fighting Al-Kin's legions of undead. During a climactic encounter in the city square, Dawn was separated from the group, and was nowhere to be found when Al-Kin had been vanquished.   It was revealed that Dawn had fallen into Quoor's clutches during the chaos. Though she claimed, whenever contacted by Sending spells, to be unharmed, in reality she was under Quoor's mental domination. When the Antiheroes finally assaulted Quoor's fortress in the Elderhaven Reaches, Dawn fought at Quoor's side in full body armor and a concealing helmet. Quoor's death broke the mental hold he had over her, and she was free to travel with the Antiheroes to Orochi's stronghold, where she stood watch at the gate between the material and spiritual worlds during the final confrontation.   After Thaddeus returned from the Nine Hells, the two were married. Several years later, the pair were coronated as the new queen and king of Freydin.

Gender Identity



Contacts & Relations

  • Bree (adventuring comrade)
  • Aramil (adventuring comrade)
  • Ignatius (adventuring comrade)
  • Thaddeus (sweethearts)
  • Gavin (former fiancee)

Family Ties

Religious Views

Cleric of the Church of Pelor.



Wife (Vital)

Towards Thaddeus




Husband (Vital)

Towards Dawn




Thaddeus and Dawn met during the gala celebrating Lucavis Hammerlock' rise to duke, which was also the occasion Thaddeus learned that Dawn was betrothed to his brother Gavin. After the gala, Thaddeus, Dawn, and their respective bands of allies met in private with Master Yin of the Assembly of Eight and learned that Dawn's parents were being held captive by Orin. They worked together to free the King and Queen, but were separated when hordes of warforged overran the palace and Thaddeus' party was spirited away to the Feywild.   That initial meeting planted a seed of attraction in them that grew when they met again in Redwater, watered in no small part by the philter of love Harmony slipped into their wine. As they fought side by side against Al-Kin's undead hordes, the two realized they were very much alike and shared the same values.   Once Orochi had been defeated, Thaddeus made the difficult decision to go to King Augustus Jerome and Queen Anastasia Elise with his knowledge of Gavin's manipulativeness and hunger for power. Dawn's betrothal was annulled. The two began seeing each other, and married a year after Thaddeus' return from the Hells. By the time of their coronation 11 years after the wedding, they had three children: Diana, Theodore, and Nadia.

Nicknames & Petnames

Sunshine and Moonlight

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Dawn and Thaddeus have strong faith in their respective deities: Pelor for Dawn and Esanihen for Thaddeus. Both of them are Freydin nobility with a passion to see justice done in the country they will one day rule.

Shared Acquaintances

Harmony, Xant, Mara, Bree, Ignatius, Aramil, Gavin

by Kay Cal
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Freydin
Year of Birth
7486 53 Years old
Current Residence
Clear blue
Long, blonde, and frequently braided in anticipation of battle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Halfling

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