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Sir Thaddeus Hammerlock (a.k.a. Thomas Moongleam)

Physical Description

Body Features

Muscled, but in a professional athlete way, not a bodybuilder way. No visible scars.

Facial Features

Hair is black, recently professionally trimmed, and parted neatly, signifying his current more diplomatic role than when he wandered the wilderness in search of wrongs to right. He has a long face and a sharp nose.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a chain shirt with armor over his clothes, no helmet. For clothing, he has a padded undershirt and loose, light pants tucked into quality leather boots.

Specialized Equipment

  • Moonrise, Sword of Esanihen's Judgement—A powerful artifact weapon once entrusted to the angel Zariel by Esanihen. Thaddeus recovered it from Avernus, the First Hell. It grants the bearer several benefits, including a set of ethereal wings, sight that pierces illusion and lies, and the ability to call forth a temple to Esanihen.
  • Shield of Esanihen's Protection—A tall tower shield containing a large diamond that radiates with the power of the goddess of the waxing gibbous moon. Glows faintly whenever drow are within 300 feet.
  • Scarf of Semi-Reliable Invisibility—Crafted by Harmony⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣, it confers invisibility of varying strengths with an everpresent potential for side effects.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The formative experience of Thaddeus' life was when, at the age of 10, he eavesdropped on a conversation between his father Lucavis⁣ and Eric Whitecrest. "Aren't you concerned about the cost?" Whitecrest asked, "Involving something like will have consequences." Lucavis responded, "Well, nothing good comes without sacrifice, of course. We can't very well NOT accept an arrangement this beneficial, can we? Even if we suffer for it, it's all for the greater good." Though Thaddeus never learned any further details of his father's arrangement, he turned away from Lucavis that day, and swore a vow that he would never accept any such bargain.   To get away from his father, and to find the strength necessary to back up his vow, he traveled to Adeus and enrolled the Academy there when he was 14. For the next seven years, he trained as a paladin and took a second vow to the goddess Esanihen, whose unflinching view of justice matched his own. The fine Sun Blade that his father had lavished on him shone with a colder light after that, and Thaddeus kept it with him always as he embarked on his tour of service through the open country of Freydin, seeking out injustices to put right with a sword.   Four years into his service, during which he saw terrible things and slew many of the creatures responsible for them, he traveled to Redwater, where he'd heard of a curse that needed lifting. On the road into the small village he saw two strange things: a set of lifelike stone statues of orcs, and a band of unusual folk that included a devilish woman and a mechanical man. He thinks back on the first sight rarely if at all, but the second sight changed his life forever.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to learn strength sufficient to become a truly just ruler when his time comes.

Likes & Dislikes

Despises weakness in all men, but most especially in those born to rule over others.

Vices & Personality flaws

In a battle between his upbringing and my temper, his temper often wins out.

Personality Quirks

Has absolutely no sense of humor about his name, title, or responsibilities.


Contacts & Relations

  • Esanihen⁣⁣⁣⁣—Goddess of the Waxing Gibbous Moon. Sent Thaddeus on a quest to retrieve her sword from the archdevil Zariel.
  • Dawn⁣⁣⁣⁣—Princess of Freydin and Thaddeus' paramour.
  • Gloriana Heartwood—Daring adventurer and romance novelist extraordinaire.
  • Serena—Proprietress of Magic of the Heartlake, an inn and reading lounge in Westshore.
  • Countess of Morimer—Did Thaddeus a service by having her scholars research the Sea Devil's Curse.
  • Earl Dariette—Still owes Thaddeus a favor incurred at a society ball in Gavin's honor.

Family Ties

Religious Views

Paladin of Esanihen, one of the Eight Sisters.

Hobbies & Pets

Now that he wields Moonrise, Thaddeus is able to call forth Lulu the Hollyphant, who merged herself with the sword thousands of years ago. She is a golden elephant with feathery wings and a bubbly, childlike personality. Normally she is about the size of a large dog, but she is also capable of transforming into a huge, winged mammoth for Thaddeus to ride into battle.



Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Thaddeus




Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Gavin




Gavinand Thaddeus have a complicated relationship. Gavin was always jealous of Thaddeus's bargain with Astrid to inherit the family's noble title and has entered into dark deals with entities unknown in order to claw his way into a position of power. Thaddeus has advised Gavin to be cautious in these dealings, but whether his words fell on deaf ears remains to be seen.

Shared Secrets

Gavin and Thaddeus both know that Gavin is not Muriel's son.

Shared Acquaintances


Friend and Mentee (Important)

Towards Thaddeus




Friend and Mentor (Important)

Towards Eli




Thaddeus first met Eli when he arrived in Redwater with the Antiheroes. Because of Thaddeus's strong faith, Eli immediately latched on to him as a role model, even when the truth of Redwater's curse was revealed and Thaddeus was forced to kill both Eli's father, the angel Tadriel, and his sister Dalia.   Eli's trust in Thaddeus's abilities has only grown since the Antiheroes defeated Orochi and restored peace to the Kingdom of Freydin. Thaddeus, preoccupied with his own duties and concerns, doesn't spare as much thought for Eli as he might and simply believes that Redwater is in good hands.

Shared Acquaintances

Harmony, Mara, Xant


Sister (Vital)

Towards Thaddeus




Brother (Vital)

Towards Astrid




Astrid was an only child for the first four years of her life, and was delighted when she learned that she was going to have a younger brother. She has been close with Thaddeus ever since, and he is one of the people she trusts and respects most in the world. The two agreed that Astrid would confer her birthright to Thaddeus when their father Lucavis passed away, but ultimately the title of Duke Hammerlock fell to their youngest brother, Gavin.

Nicknames & Petnames

Astrid calls her younger brother "Thaddy," much to his chagrin.

Shared Acquaintances

Muriel, Lucavis, Gavin, Valerie, Aiden, Harmony, Mara, and Xant


Wife (Vital)

Towards Thaddeus




Husband (Vital)

Towards Dawn




Thaddeus and Dawn met during the gala celebrating Lucavis Hammerlock' rise to duke, which was also the occasion Thaddeus learned that Dawn was betrothed to his brother Gavin. After the gala, Thaddeus, Dawn, and their respective bands of allies met in private with Master Yin of the Assembly of Eight and learned that Dawn's parents were being held captive by Orin. They worked together to free the King and Queen, but were separated when hordes of warforged overran the palace and Thaddeus' party was spirited away to the Feywild.   That initial meeting planted a seed of attraction in them that grew when they met again in Redwater, watered in no small part by the philter of love Harmony slipped into their wine. As they fought side by side against Al-Kin's undead hordes, the two realized they were very much alike and shared the same values.   Once Orochi had been defeated, Thaddeus made the difficult decision to go to King Augustus Jerome and Queen Anastasia Elise with his knowledge of Gavin's manipulativeness and hunger for power. Dawn's betrothal was annulled. The two began seeing each other, and married a year after Thaddeus' return from the Hells. By the time of their coronation 11 years after the wedding, they had three children: Diana, Theodore, and Nadia.

Nicknames & Petnames

Sunshine and Moonlight

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Dawn and Thaddeus have strong faith in their respective deities: Pelor for Dawn and Esanihen for Thaddeus. Both of them are Freydin nobility with a passion to see justice done in the country they will one day rule.

Shared Acquaintances

Harmony, Xant, Mara, Bree, Ignatius, Aramil, Gavin

Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Arbiter of Freydin; King Thaddeus Constantine
Year of Birth
7485 54 Years old
Black, neatly parted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Binary, Qin, Elvish, Infernal

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