Rondrarien Organization in Alendia | World Anvil


Rondrarien is one of the eight countries of Lusitania. It lies on the southeastern coast of the continent and due to very unhandy streams, it has been discovered just really late compared to the other regions in Lusitania. Rondrarien is seen as the blessed or holy land. The people living there are very traditional and religious.  


Rondrarien lies beyond the southern mountain range on the southeastern coast of Lusitania. That mountain range also defines the border to Südland. Multiple small islands around the coast count as the territory of Rondrarien. It measures about 36600 square miles and is one of the smaller countries in Lusitania. Its capital Okara lies in the center of Rondrarien.  


Rondraien's climate is comparable with a subtropical and tropical monsoon climate. It is hit by an outstanding amount of rainfall, laying on the windward side of the southern mountain range and right on the coast. The temperatures reach between 12°C in the winter to 31°C peaks in summers.  


Due to all the rain, a monsoon forest grows in Lusitania. However, this forest is often harvested and doesn't reach a large size. Additionally, the high precipitation allows the growth of water-loving grains like rice. The fauna is relatively untouched by the rainfall and is typically subtropic or even tropic.  


For now, there is no Timeline for Rondrarien. Instead, you can check out the History of Lusitania for more information.


Rondrarien was discovered very late. Initially, the Humans thought that the southern mountain range is the southern border of Lusitania. They were unable to sail around the coast due to unhandy streams and it was also impossible to cross the desert and the mountain range behind it. However, in 7144 b. BF, Captain Jean-Luc Delaunay finds a way to avoid the streams and circumnavigated the continent, discovering Lusitania. Delaunay himself is very religious and describes this region as blessed and untouched. The Human Empire declares this land as the holy and blessed land and its discovery a sign of the gods. It was quickly conquered and integrated into the Human Empire, not serving as a colony but more as a special place close to the gods, hence the name Rondrarien. In 4341 b. BF, the Church of the Sun moves to Rondrarien to escape the criminal activities in Lionstone. Since that point, the influence of the church in Rondrarien and Lusitania exponentially increased. Because of its geographical position and its status as holy land, it is respected by all countries of Lusitania and isn't involved in any conflicts whatsoever. Rondrarien stays independent from any alliances or contracts with other countries, only minding their own business.  



The Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods is the only religion in Rondrarien. Before the arrival of the Church of the Sun in Rondrarien, the beliefs of foreigners were at least tolerated. However, after 4341 b. BF, these beliefs were declared as heresy by the church and quickly eradicated.  


The people from Rondrarien see themselves as chosen by the gods, those who are allowed to live in the holy land. Their life is very subjected to strict religious rules of the church. The people in Rondrarien live rather peacefully, not afraid of any threats from outside. However, because of all the isolation and influence of the church, many of them are intolerant or even xenophobic.  



Rondrarien is a classical monarchy, reigned by one ruler, a distinct relative, and heir of Rondra. His decisions are influenced and supported by the Church of the Sun, which claims high political government offices.  

Foreign Policy

Rondrarien is very isolated, its diplomatic actions often depending on the piety of the other party. It accepts and respects the other two most conservative, loyal countries Oberland and Südland but has a certain distrust towards Brackland and Mootland. For details look up the policy thread on the right side of this article.
The flag of Rondrarien is very different from the flags of the other countries. It does not contain the colors of the Empire, because the humans didn't dare to claim the land of gods in this way. It shows a rising golden sun over a golden surface, representing foremost Rondra and the blessing of all gods.


Membership: The Human Empire
Region: Southeastern Lusitania
Capital: Okara
Area: 36600 sq-miles
Aliases: The holy land, Home of Rondra


Government: Classical Monarchy, Theocracy
  • Humans (including Aasimar) (99%)
  • Others (1% or less)
Religion: The Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods
Population: 500.000
Geopolitical, Country

Alliance, loyal part of the Human Empire, religious alliance

The relationship between Rondrarien and Lionstone is outstanding, however not perfect. Lionstone is concerned about Rondrarien declaring its independence one day or another, while Rondrarien sees Lionstone's tolerance towards other races and religions as a big weakness.

Loyalty and Respect

Oberland is very loyal and respective towards the traditional methods of Rondrarien. Rondrarien really respects Oberland's loyalty towards the Human Empire and their piety.

Appreciation, Non-aggression pact

Both countries respect each other conservative behavior, ultimately resulting in a non-aggression pact. Additionally, Südland supports Rondrarien financially for religious services.


Rondrarien condemns the technological advance of Brackland and their weak piety. Brackland however, doesn't agree with Rondrariens regressive lifestyle and politics.


Rondrarien despises Mootland, the Yuan-Ti, and their worship of the Nameless. However, for political reasons they don't engage in war with them. Mootland on the other hand simply tries not to get in touch with Rondrarien by any means.

Character flag image: Flag of Rondrarien by Lucimon