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Dal Quor - The Dreamscape

Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams is a plane that humanoids visit when they dream. It is inextricably linked to the Astral Plane, and will manifest in random locations each time a creature dreams.   Dal Quor is both impossibly distant and remarkably close. Tens of thousands of years ago, someone shattered the ties between Dal Quor and the Material Plane. Since then, it’s been permanently remote, and no naturally occurring manifest zone to Dal Quor has been discovered. Not even plane shift or astral travel can allow direct contact with the Region of Dreams. And yet, it’s also the closest of the planes—to visit, just close your eyes. Dreaming is a form of spiritual travel, as your mortal consciousness is drawn to Dal Quor.

Localized Phenomena

The plane is ringed with dreamscapes—small pockets of pseudo-reality where people's dreams play out. The plane has subjective directional gravity, is highly morphic and has flowing time.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dreamscape
Dimensional plane


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