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Shavarath - The Battleground

Shavarath the Battleground is a region ever gripped in the throes of war as three groups vie for control of the plane, a host of celestial archons, an infernal regiment of devils, and a swarming horde of demons . Some believe that control of Shavarath means control of the powers of creation or destruction.   Forever in a rough balance of power, each of the three factions lay siege to one another's fortresses only to lose their holdings on other fortresses. Beyond these fortresses, the plain stretches infinitely, with low hills providing the only terrain feature. The plane is aligned by territory, with those areas held by the archons being mildly good and lawfully aligned while those areas held by devils are mildly evil and lawfully aligned and those held by the demons is mildly chaotic and evil-aligned. Magic spells that mimic, create or enhance weapons, and spells that excite hostile emotions are extended, while charms and pacifisms are impeded.   When spellcasters summon demons or devil servants, they summon them from their fight on Shavarath.
Alternative Name(s)
The Plane of War
Dimensional plane


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