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Dolurrh - The Realm of the Dead

Dolurrh, also known as the Realm of the Dead, is the plane where the souls of most mortals go when they die, neither as a reward nor as a punishment, but simply a place. A place of apathy, hopelessness, and eternal despair. People who visit are slowly overcome with apathy and eventually fade. After they fade it is up to debate what happens. Many believe they are sent to whatever faith or heaven they believed in during mortality. Some believe nothing happens which leads people to make pacts with devils, angles, demons or deities for the chance of an afterlife.

Localized Phenomena

Dolurrh is a timeless place with oppressive gravity. All spells are impeded here.   Visitors to the plane of Dolurrh fall increasingly under its entrapping influence. Colors become grayer and less vivid, sounds are dulled, and they experience feelings of ennui, apathy, and despair. Day by day, they lose even the desire to leave of their own free will, forget their previous lives, and eventually become shades native to Dolurrh. For visitors trapped in Dolurrh, only the most powerful of magics, such as a wish, can free them.   When one dies, one's soul travels to Dolurrh. However, it is possible to use powerful resurrection magics to bring the soul back from Dolurrh to the Material Plane. In addition, it is possible to bring a soul back to the Material Plane via plane shifts or fixed portals; though doing so would subject the revivers to the risks of visiting the Realm of the Dead. It must be noted, though, that the Aislinn Tower actively discourages resurrection in this manner.   Though it is the realm of the dead, Dolurrh is not the home of the Keeper, the god of the dead from the Dark Six. In fact, the Keeper tries to snatch wayward souls on the way to Dolurrh. He keeps those souls as servants.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of the Dead
Dimensional plane


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