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Ian Lightfoot

Iandore Lightfoot (a.k.a. Ian)

He fought in the Battle of Kucca and befriended the Black Fang Clan and Shura the Matriach. She taught him the spell "Remove Curse" After the victory in Kucca Marwynn asked The Circle of Six to accompany him on a quest to find his long-lost father. They traveled North to Blightfen in search of more answers about the Shell Map in Estras possession.   After traveling on The Moon Chaser with Captain Rigby. The ship was struck and crashlanded on a remote island. The party was saved by a ship passing by called "The Maidens Honor" where he met Bobushio the Pirate King. He agreed to join the pirate's crew and learned of his love of ice cream. It was then Bobushio showed the party his intentions to hire them and use their map to find an island he has been chasing since childhood that was rumored to have a horde of treasure.   They discovered the Island of Nepttin and the Lair of Nerezza. A magical Island of dangers and traps intended to trap and enslave people to steal their valuables. Ian was instrumental in the victory shared by the Pirate King and The Circle of Six to free the island of the curse and tyranny of Nerezza. He was able to remove Nerezzas Curse that caused people to forget their past lives while on the island and was the person that struck the final blow with a Votar Thundrsir to slay Nerezza.   While on the island Ian was struck with a "The Sleeping Wake" that causes him to go into a comatose state for long passages of time. His body was stored in a magical amulet that will keep him safe while he slumbers. When he awakens he will involuntarily be cast out of the necklace and ready for anything.    During a battle in the Feywild against Jenny Greenteeth Ian awoke from his sleep and cast Votrar Thundeshere to strike the final blow saving his fallen comrades.   Ian is the Nephew of Marwynn Fenwick. Marwynn revealed that Ians father was a Half-Elf and his mother was a water Genasi.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Date of Birth
24 Decse
Year of Birth
209 VE 16 Years old
Dark Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Blue
125 lbs
Aligned Organization

Articles under Ian Lightfoot


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