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A Showcase for The Troupe

Cultural event

23/6 9:00
23/6 17:00

A new cast member Showcase is accepted into the Troupe.   The Circle of Six get the Shroud of Ollandra and meet The Troupe.   Caia knows Chorusline and arranges a meeting to discuss their past.   Brerenax gets a Kiss.

The party heads the Commoner’s Fortune to discuss the next course of action with the Audition. Alcath asks if Neville knows what he’s getting into with the Troupe. Neville says they are assassins and influencers, and asks if Alcath thinks he’s not qualified. Neville shows the party magical illusions. He explains he has been trying for many years to audition. His desire stems from injustices done to him as a child and he wants to use this to help those who can not help themselves. He tells the party about a rival guild called The Unbroken Chain that is more nefarious in how they deal with contracts. Neville desires to use his assets in The Troupe to negate and counter the problems they cause. Thuniel decides she does not want to join. She now has allies and can get more information about the fire and the bounty on her head.   With this revealation the Six agree to reveal the four keys. They discuss terms of Neville being the person that joins The Guild. Thuniel says the group needs The Shroud of Ollandra, as that was her payment to them, but Val and Neville would owe her a favor. Neville says he would need a favor from Brerenax too, Neville promises to be a source of information and to help destroy contracts out on Gilly. All parties agree.   Neville says that in order to be accepted, he has to be the one who opens the vault, then the Troupe will make themselves known. He has done the Gauntlet several times, and the challenges are different every time.   Neville wants to celebrate, and all have delicious desserts.   Brerenax draws the symbol on the mirror coin for Caia and says that he saw it in Neville’s shop. Caia tries to whisper that she can’t ask them about it because she’s not “herself”. He asks what he should ask them, and she says to say that Estra talked to him about the coin before and asks what it is. Estra was asking about it before she died. Neville says Val has been looking into the symbol, but maybe we’ll talk later (this is not the time nor place to talk about it).   Neville asks to see the keys and Gilly takes them from the bag of holding. Nyssa hands the key over and Val shows her out, but Nyssa indicates to Thuniel that she’s not necessarily over.   Outside the Sylvan Theatre and there’s a little ugly jester and a little gnome girl performing, and they escort Neville in when they see him.   The Party is led back through backstage, a tall half-orc bouncer with a tall axe guards a blank wall. Neville calls him by name, Jokk, and tells him we have all five keys. Jokk laughs, "he's finally has done it" and invites the party through a hidden passage. Out of the shadows, the Kenku appears and they are led through a totally dark room with beams of sunlight lighting just the center. After a long corridor, they reach the dead-halfling room, then the vault room. Jokk escourts them the whole way.   At the vault, an audience above looks at the party. Jokk asks Neville his intent, and he says "to join the Troupe, no nefarious intent." The door rumbles and in a blink, everyone becomes clear and ten figures, including Jokk, in full Harlequin makeup appear on the ledge along the wall, the door opens and a dragon’s horde of treasure and magic items.   Each member of the Troupe introduces themselves   Perch - Kenku with White paint on its beak Beamlight - Female Gnome - Harley Quinn Like Blackout - Male Elf - Black paint on his ears Chorusline - Male Human with beret and a Lute Crossfade - Jokk - white with black war paint Finale - Ugly Jester - Huge nose (male goblin) Luminaire - Tall elven woman - thigh high boots, tux coat, beautiful sword Overture - Male Human - Robert Blakely - hooded, lines under his eyes, Spot- Male Elf with black eye makeup and bright red hair Melpomene - Leader - hooded, mask with half tragedy, half comedy, red cloak   Mel speaks, but the voice is neither male nor female. They congratulate Neville and inform that Chorusline is ready to step down. Caia notices that the bard with the lute is her brother Kedron Gatrell Gatrell.   Kedron explains he was trying to find information for a sister, so he joined the Troupe, tragicly she died, so he needs to return to his life. He will maintain contacts here, but he needs to move on. He says he will relinquish his part to play to Neville and asks his name. Caia maintains her composure.  Showcase" Neville exclaims and immediately has a beautiful and colorful costume appear on his body.   Neville takes his place in the Troupe, and asks to lend the Shroud of Olladra to us, and to stop assassins coming for Gilly, in payment. Mal agrees, but the Shroud has only eight uses, but it needs to be returned once it is inert. Neville and The Troupe say they should not ever talk about who and what they have seen here. If we reveal anything, it will put them both in danger.   Everyone relaxes and congratulates Neville, while Melpomene watches motionless. Thuniel sees that Overture is clocking her, but no one else. Perch is watchful and ready to pounce. Crossfade is guarding the vault, but casually. Mel goes into the vault and brings out a shawl made of soft black dragon scales and a soft lining. On the underside is four dots, a line, and five dots, one of which is faded. Puts it in a pouch and gives it to Neville and says all you have to do is put it over whatever you want to heal, soft side down. Should heal and disease, sicknees, condition or curse, but her domain is of Life and Trickery. We need to give it back in a few days.   Chorusline celebartes with the party. Beamlight seems to have more than just efection for the Ex Team Member. Spot tells the party they are welcome to stay for the cast part but can leave whenever, but it’s nice to have others here.   Caia and her pixie ebony go to Chorusline. She gives her condolences and says that her friends knew his sister. He asks how she knows who he is. She says there’s a family resemblance and he buys it, kinda. He gives her the “Victor’s Smile”, which his dad taught him to deal with awkward members of the public.   Caia remembers that her brother was rumored to have arcane powers as he says that many of the people here don’t even know he is. She feels him starting to cast a spell. Presumibly to make her tell the truth. She asks if he really wants to talk to her here, or later. He says, we can meet later, where and when? He says he is staying at the Broken Arrow and meet him at dinnertime.   Brerenax congratulates Showcase, who kisses him. Moz asks if she and Neville can stay in touch, and he says, absolutely, because we’re family. Thuniel winks at Robert on the way out.

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