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Chorusline meet Caia

Life, Identity

23/6 18:00
23/6 20:00

Caia meets up with Kedron at The Broken Arrow to discover what he knows. Caia learns a little about The Coin and Moz learns about Dal Quor - The Dreamscape and The Kalashtar

Back at the estate, Caia catches Thuniel up about her Gatrell Family heritage and that it’s a problem because she said her friend’s knew the dead princess. Revealing to Kedron she knows of his Royal ties. Caia is freaking out and finally starts realizing that Kedron had been living a double life as Chorusline so that he could be part of The Troupe to find information about sister without his family knowing. Even Victor Gatrell had his mind wiped about her faking her death and Marwynn Fenwick is the only other person who knows the truth about Caia - Estra Gatrell identity.   The party is leaning toward going along to help support her. Caias warns everyone that we might not be able to lie, but we can just not speak.   They travel to The Broken Arrow in the Courtly Ring where Kedron is waiting. Caia approaches and Kedron asks what she wants to drink and orders food that is a known dish from Astrafell. Kedron wants to discuss what she knows, and says we can go somewhere private. It’s reserved for people who want to fool around, but “I don’t think I should do that with my sister, Little Bean.” She totally gave herself away with her reaction at the vault.   Caia wants her pixie Ebony to touch him and give her a read on him. She tries and he jerks away, but she does get that he’s anxious. He’s impressed that she’s become “formidable.” They catch up a bit. He’s been in The Troupe for five years since he was 17 year old. She starts to lament that she might never have been a princess, and he stops her. He exclaims "she is and always will be a princess and his sister, Family is more than blood". He’s proud that she chose to “die” for the family.   Kedron agrees to keep her secret, but you have to come back and tell me the story. People always change from day to day, he is investigating who is in charge of The Troupe, he’s felt like Mel is a different person from one day to the next. He has a coin too and he doesn’t know what it’s meaning . He believes it’s tied to whatever is going on right now. He found one of the coins in Castle Gatrell. When he approached servants, no one revealed anything. His investigation into what the changelings are led him to The Troupe. He met a shopkeeper in town who also didn’t know where they were from. He has discovered that maybe Mel is a changeling or is impersonated by changelings from time to time. There’s a tie to something called Frost “Eye” or “I”, but I don’t know what it is.   Caia warns Kedron that Dad won’t remember that he was part of the faking of the death because we had a friend wipe his memory, with his consent. He asks if Caia needs money and Gilly says yes. Kedron says he knows about Gilly's bounty and that he doesn’t think the bounty is just. He knows that the bounty is coming from Rockshire and there’s not just one. Moz asks what the highest one is. Kedron says there are multiple that are in six digits. The death notes should lead you back to the person who issued it once the person is apprehended/dead, depending on the details of the note.   Kedron says he’s gonna go talk to Marwynn Fenwick on his way to Gatrell Castell. He says that it’s worrisome that everywhere he tries to find out about Frost I, he is thwarted. People refuse to talk or there’s a veil of secrecy. He doesn’t feel like it’s positive. It’s either real bad or real exclusive. No one will talk to him because he’s not a changeling. It’s hard to say if you should reveal that you are a changeling, because what if they are hunting them? Or it could be an exclusive club.   Caia says she thinks the coin is about “the mirror”. Kedron Gatrell says he’s heard a lot about visage, reflection, and mirrors in messages and conversations to and with Mellopomine. There’s lots of subtle hints to The Traveler, who has “many faces.”   Gilly asks if Kedron knows anything about the Kalashtar. He studied about them from his tutors. The history of the Kalashtar, they used to be human trying to gain connection to Dal Quor. They did a holy rite that made them able to telepathically communicate. They considered themselves a higher evolution of human. They created a new race, because their babies were able to have the abilities without the rite. They traveled north and then they disappeared. Kedron was more interested in Dal Quor - The Dreamscape because it is the region of dreams. It’s the plane that humanoids visit when they dream; it is linked to the astral plane.   Caia gives Kedron her “contact info”. Kedron compliments Gilly’s hat. Brerenax and Aela receive a mental message that says “Look for the messenger”, and they’re like, what the hell? About ten minutes later, six of the Atheneum Palisade Guard walk in with a speaker from The Lokenvale Athenaeum holding messages.   Thuniel talks with Nyssa. Nyssa gives me a saddle from Maellewyn Simbelmyne - Saddle of the Cavalier

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