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A Journey on the Noble Road to Quel



The party decides to test out the ring of mind shielding to see if Vozgan's Soul is still in the ring. Gilly asks Matriarch dSilvis to meet them in Quel. They discuss the death of the previous Doyen and travel North on The Noble Road toward Mayford, The Lovers Crossroad and Quel. They visit Wobu and learn more about a sickness that is plaquing the city of Quel.

The party decides to test out the ring of mind shielding to see if Vozgan's Soul is still in the ring. Gilly asks Matriarch dSilvis to meet them in Quel. They discuss the death of the previous Doyen and travel North on The Noble Road toward Mayford, The Lovers Crossroad and Quel. During the journey, they were attacked by a group of Fey when the sun started to come up a horn blew and they retreated. Brerenax felt a connection to a large figure silhouetted in the moonlight holding a large bow. In Quel they find the tower where Wobu lives and knock on the door.   During the visit, they discovered Wobu the Wimiscal has been the recipient of the spell Feeblemind. He speaks in nonsense and mutterings. His house is sometimes visited by people in the town looking to earn coin and they will help clean it up for some coin. The party searched the house for glasses but it seemed that all the lenses were broken and using the glasses did nothing. When Alcath asked Wobu about Bartus and the Glasses, Wobu went into a frenzy and cowered in fear. He became distant and unagreeable. Caia used the familars to communicate that they were not here to clean and the familiars immediately started to force the party out the door. Resigned The Circle of Six set out to find more info from the citizens of Quel.   Upon further inquirary they discover someone was also curious about Wobu and an elven shadowy figure has been outside the tower when they were inside. They fled on a black horse as they exited the tower.   The city of Quel has been struck with a serious of missing persons reports. People will fall ill and within a day they disapear from there sick bed. The simptons include stiffness, eventually loss of mobilty and speech then in the morning the body is missing. Hundreds of people have gone missing in the last 6 months and is only seems to be getting much worse.   The Circle of Six suspecting foul play of the part of Ilex the druid stone mason from the Firelight Festival and went to his store to find it stipped bare of all belongings and his gallery of stone statues taken. He is also on the missing persons report and has been gone for months.

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