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Quel features many verdant parks and orchards and is known for having powerful guilds. The ruler Daeris Farvale is fair and just, respected by the populace. Quel supplies produce and goods to Blightfen through The Brightcoats Mercantile Guild and the Aristocratic Families.


Population: 5,929, Size: 99 acres Demographics: Elf (90%) Halfling (10%) Other (less than 1%)

Industry & Trade

Silverbottom Farms Located in the Nightwood
Provide Silverbottom Apples throughout The Albion Alliance
Owned by Quinton & Kenna Silverbottom.


The Great Harvest happens between Augula-Novet starting with the Vineyards and then the Orchards.


Tavern: The Balanced Hall
Owner: Alamil Sunmeadow & Radomir Sunmeadow, Male Elf

Jeweler: Zaiyolas Jewel
Owner: Zaiyola Kett, Female Tiefling

Enchanter: The Seer's Enchantments
Owner: Stacee Warmwater, Female Elf
Location: In the MoonArch district. The street outside is a covered walkway with many twinkling lights. Description: The enchanter is a plaster rowhouse, with a reinforced wooden door and dwarven-crafted iron furniture. It contains a large bookshelf filled with books and a chest of drawers full of components.

General Store: Bells Bazaar
Owner: Ortegar Wildcloak, Male Elf
Location: The street outside is shaded by large trees. Description: The general store is a timber-framed two-story building, with a reinforced wooden door and overgrown hedges. It contains a large grandfather clock and a decommissioned carriage serving as shelving for goods.


Road Travel
Quel to Blightfen 72 Miles
Quel to Kucca 81 Miles
Quel to Lovers Crossroad 69 Miles
Quel to Pontil 70 Miles

Air Travel
Quel to Rockshire 338 Miles

Articles under Quel


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