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Lor'Thal is the large Elven capital located on the East Coast.


Lor'Thal is nearly exclusivey inhabited by High Elves. Some Humans and Dwarves are accepted into The Aetherwind College to study the arcane arts, and others act as servants, but the High Elves are typically wary of outsiders, meaning many that aren't High Elves, are usually unwelcome.


A ruling council of seven High Elves, each from the 5 various districts of Lor'Thal plus a representative of each The Great Library and The Aetherwind College, govern the city, with each council member being elected from among their own district.

Notable Locations

The Great Libray of Lor'Thal

The Great Library of Lor'Thal was founded approximately 80 years after the founding of the Aetherwind College, in response to the growing concern over the studies and knowledge held in private by the College. This culminated with a march on the college's archives by the non-college population of Lor'Thal. Now it copies adn collates all information passing through Lor'Thal.

The Aetherwind College

The Aetherwind College was established early during Lor'Thal's founding to help the Elves understand, as well as expand their knowledge of, the shadow magic their race has used for eons. After the blue dragonflight pledged allegiance to the Elves of Lor'Thal, the Roost was built and placed under the care of the college to ensure every mage was able to access a familiar.

The Market District


The Market district of Lor'Thal is one of the few places around the city where you will find non-elven people and is considered the central economic district of the Elven Capital.

The roads are lined with vendors plying their wares, and artisan workshops of each and every thing you can think of, from lowly cooking implements and crockery, to fine jewellers and smiths. If there is something you need, you can find it in the Market District... for a price though.

The Port District

The Port District of Lor'Thal is one of the only two connections the capital has with the outside world. Traders from Sartosia typically stop by Lor'Thal to rest their crew and trade some wares before following the coast south around to Alyss.

The District's representative is the Harbour Master, a member of the port's beauracracy risen to the position by the Board of Traders, a cabal of significant traders who have all invested in the port's infrastructure.

The Garden District

The Garden District of Lor'Thal is a community parkland at the center of the Elven capital. Many dedicated High Elves, known as 'Gardners' tend to the myriad of plants, trees and lawns that make the Garden District so serene.

At the centre of the Garden District, stands a white marble building housing the Council chambers. From here, the ruling council of seven make the choices that govern Lor'Thal and its people.

The Marble District

The Marble District is the central residential disctrict of Lor'Thal, housing the High Elven families in their dedicated townhouses, the size of which dictates the standing your family has within the capital.

The Servant's District

The Servant's District of Lor'Thal is a small area next to the ports where many of the non-High Elf population of Lor'Thal live. Their area is rather neglected by the guards of Lor'Thal, and is self policed

A riot several decades ago meant that a member of the Servant's District does serve on the Ruling Council, though there is a requirement that this representative at least be an elf.

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