Vara Eld

I hope mom and dad make it back.

Vara Raleen Eld

Vara Eld is the younger sister of Dan Eld and Rone Eld. She is a young Sorceror, gifted with Wild Magic as a byproduct of being born inside the Feywild. She idolizes Dan and has grown up listneing to him talk about her oldest Brother whom she has been very excited to meet.   Vara is a individual who attracts chaos or lacking any to draw to her, creates it herself. She enjoys to discover or try new things, though she has a penchant for destruction. While her innate magic has given her an outlet for her abundant energy she has little control over the wild magic that often occurs when she taps into it, leading to generally amusing situations.   She is good friends with the children on Anaya Clearspring, whom she has had ample oppurtunities to interact with as Anaya and Dan have enjoyed eachothers company. Her current pursuits are split between assisting Numi with the magical defenses of the Keep and spending her time leisurley enjoying the attractions of the Fel Harmonic Festival.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following her getting settled in at Dragon's Claim Keep, Vara has become a frequent site all across the keep. She frequents the Moon Haven and the Starlight Grove but has no one place she spends most of her time. She attends lessons on controlling her innate abilites at the Moon Haven frequently and commonly will spend time within the Fel-Harmonic Festival as she feels a certain kinship with the Fey located there.   With Dan Eld's return to the Keep with his regained Optimism, she has been far more excited about the day to day events of the Keep and has renewed her training in the magical arts, often using her brother as an opponent to practice new spells upon.   Most recently following the return of her mother she is often found following the Elder Tabaxi Druid and seeking reassurance that her mother remains within Ari Eld's mind. She seems unsure of whether to believe these. With the Arrival of Runiger's Children she has befriended the Black Dragon Varinine, seemingly by persistent optimism. When Varinine is not within Shizani's Workshop she can usually be seen following the Tabaxi Sorceror, almost always with an annoyed look on her face, though when she believes no one is looking a smile can be seen for a fleeting moment.   Following her brother's departure to the Far Realm she and Varinine left Dragon's Claim Keep for a period of months before returning with a small treasure trove of gold that they had lifted from a cave formerly held by Runiger. She and Varinine have remained at the Moonhaven where Vara has continued her studies in magic, with now a stated goal to extend her life and her brother's so as not to leave their partners alone. The Chaotic Tabaxi has calmed in the time since her mother was taken and she has taken to training her magics against the likes of Ashara and Kartalos and while she has not yet reached their absurd power, she has shown remarkable growth in her skills to wield her magic.   When she is not studying or honing her skills she can often be found with Varinine, with the young dragoness having recieved upgrades to her legs that allow her to assume her draconic form. The pair are a frequent sight in the skies above Dragonholme as Varinine loves to feel the joys of flight and even more so with Vara upon her back.


Rone Eld


Towards Vara Eld


Vara Eld


Towards Rone Eld


Vara Eld


Towards Varinine




Towards Vara Eld


Chaotic Good
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born in the Feywild
Varinine (Partner)
Rone Eld (Brother)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray Fur with Black and White Stripes
120 lbs.


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