Don Eld

Rone... Could you really leave them behind? Watch Vara and Dan crumble to dust with time while you live on? Just think if we could all be together forever...

Demon Lord Don Eld

The father of Rone, Dan and Vara Eld and husband of Ari Eld. Don Eld is a name well known within The Roost, at least by those bordering the Bleakstone Mountains. When he had first met the young woman who would become his wife he was a simple sell sword and he followed her north as part of a protection job. When they were making their way north along the western edge of the Alliance Border they came across a village of Weavers beset by a Horde of Hill Giants under command of a Fire Giant.   While initially not wanting to get involved, Ari pushed him into it by involving herself. Together they, along with a group of Weaver warriors, routed the Giants. Don Eld fought the Fire Giant nearly single handedly and claimed the fallen foe's shield for himself. The Weavers thanked them and promised them coin which the pair of Tabaxi turned down.   Years Later Don found himself face to face with a group of Frost Giants who had heard of his deeds and sought revenge for their fallen commander. He defended his wife and infant son and faced the Giants alone. He took from them an axe and Ari brought him to the Roost to get help with his injuries. Hearing of his deeds, the Platinum Dragon Bahamut gave him the title of Giant's Bane.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following his Death at the hands of High Lord Lukrag, Don Elds body was recovered by Mazerath and revived, at which point Don Eld was given a Choice. He could return to death, where his beloved Wife and his eldest son would not join him or he could serve the fallen druid and be granted Life Eternal, and he would be able to unite his family under Mazerath's authority where they would all be given an unending life. Don Eld chose to accept to live under Mazerath.   While he could not locate his children he could find Ari Eld, and he went to her, explaining the situation at length and giving her his heartfelt pleas to stand with him. But she refused and seeing what he had become something broke inside Ari as she called forth the full force of her power as Archdruid to destroy him and free him from whatever curse he was under. When the blizzard she had conjured dissappated, Don Eld was gone and Ari turned to the dragon she had been hoping to free for the future.   Following his wife's "Betrayal" Don Eld is determined to locate the rest of his family and bring them under his new master so that they may be together forever.


Don Eld


Towards Ari Eld


Ari Eld


Towards Don Eld


Neutral Evil
Year of Death
2081 EP
Circumstances of Death
Killed by High Lord Lukrag
Place of Death
The Roost
Ari Eld (Ex-wife)
Current Residence
The Abyss
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gray and Black
145 lbs.


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