Dan Eld

I enjoy the slow life honestly. I'll keep my skills sharp but I don't think I'll ever get tired of calm and expected.

Dan Eld

Dan Eld is the younger brother of Rone Eld and a swordsman as well as a musician. Due to events during Rone's Absence Dan has aged far faster than his brother, leading to a strange situation where Dan Eld, previoulsy 11 years younger than his brother is now only a year behind him.

Physical Description

Body Features

Sporting a newly made Prosthetic Arm, Dan has adapted to his mechanical hand as best as one could. While he sometimes complains of the feeling of metal against his skin, he does not remove the Prosthetic often at all, not wanting to be caught off guard if he can help it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dan spent a few years within the Feywild, the cause for his accelerated aging, where he was taught proper mannerisms and elegant swordsmanship by the fey there. It was also the realm where he was taught Bardic magic, much to his mother's frustration as she had been attempting to teach him druidic ways for several years with little to no success. As a result of this training and exposure to the fey, Dan has taken on a more refined sense of style and well kept appearance than the rest of his family. Despite all of this he shows great respect to his parents and looks up to his brother. He may act differently but little of it is him thinking he has any sense of superioirity over others.   While he has stayed at the Roost he has entered a relationship with the High Elven Paladin Anaya Clearspring. They have been seen wondering the city together and rumors have begun circulating though there is little truth in them. Dan looks after his younger sister, Vara Eld.   During the evacuation of The Roost, Dan lost his right arm to High Lord Lukrag and watched his father hold off the orc while he and the others fled. He fell into a violent depressive period and after arriving at Dragon's Claim Keep, he fell into drinking. Following an outburst in which he insulted Anaya, Vara Eld, Siora and Onvyr, he was thrown into the dungeons until he could have a talk with Rone Eld. Before they could, he was killed in an attack on the Keep by Garavos Kavren. Following his revival at the hands of Casmodus Arterian, Dan left the keep on a journey to clear his head and come to terms what was going on with him.   He journeyed to Moledar and worked for tips in one of the Taverns there, earning a good reputation and coin from his performances. Eventually he purchased a prosthetic arm of Gnomish make and, with a far more clear mind and purpose, is making his way back to Dragon's Claim Keep. Before he left the city he was approached by Dan Eld and offered a place in Mazerath's forces, and when he declined he and his father clashed with Dan using the city guard to help him drive the more experienced warrior off.   Following his return to the keep he has apologized profusely to Anaya and thrown himself upon her forgiveness, of which there was little need as no sooner had he completed his speech than Anaya tearfully took him in her arms. Since then he has been staying at The Clearspring and aiding the Elf in her business. She and her children seem happier for his return and his newly regained optimism.   Dan Eld and Anaya have been keeping busy within the Clearspring. While Anaya was saddened when Siora revealed she would not be returning to the Clearspring, she and Dan have made due with eachother's company.


Dan Eld


Towards Rone Eld


Rone Eld


Towards Dan Eld


Dan Eld


Towards Anaya Clearspring


Anaya Clearspring


Towards Dan Eld


Chaotic Good
Anaya Clearspring (Partner)
Rone Eld (Brother)
Ice Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snow Leopard Coat
145 lbs.
Morgan, God of Heroes


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