Aryzen the Defender

I do not define myself by my scales any longer. The Gods are gone, we are all simply Dragons now. We must stand together or people like Autrion will see us wiped out. Chromatic, Metallic or Gemstone, All Dragons may be welcome here if they wish for peace.

Lady Aryzen Filderi Aldlith, The Beautiful (a.k.a. The Mythril Dragon)

The Eldest Daughter of Bahamut is a creature of beauty and grace. Her smooth golden white scales dazzle onlookers and strike fear into enemies. She is seen as the Guardian of the Roost, being the dragon most commonly dwelling within the city. She is the middle child of the dragons and is worshipped for her scales by the dwarves of the city and praised for her beauty by most of the citizens. Her shrine within the Temples is often filled with offerings, which she collects with Draconic Greed. Her strength is to be respected though, She has often stood at the gates of the City holding off invaders. Her Mythril Scales render her immune to Physical Harm, with the Exception of her sister Obyssia’s scales who is the only being to have left scars across her golden white hide. Her Breath is Acidic death to all who threaten the city and she will not hesitate to dispose of those threatening its people.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aryzen has long been the most arrogant of the Children of Bahamut, worshipped by the Dwarves since the day of her hatching for her Mythril Scales. She was raised with the belief that she should lead as her father did, commanding the Chromatic Dragons against Tiamat's spawn. This led to a deep hatred of Chromatic Dragons and this idea poisoned her siblings as well to a lesser degree. When Obyssia Hatched with her obsidian scales, Aryzen viewed her as an enemy and mistreated her sister. This attitude and aggression escalated as they grew, making Obyssia grow distant and fearful of others.   When events finally came to a head between them, Obyssia fled after she injured Aryzen, much to the shock of the Mythril Dragon and all present. That encounter happened when she had not yet reached 500 years old and it was the last time Obyssia and Aryzen spoke until the Roost fell to Dartag and Lukrag.   Now Aryzen has been humbled following her capture by the Orcs and then losing a contest of strength to Rustean Aldlith has caused her to question her beliefs. After the Regal Dragon had a chance to speak with her personally she is rather confused on her beliefs, as she is no longer certain that Chromatic Dragons are wholly evil, for certain she does not believe Rustean is given her relationship with him.   Aryzen has used The Orb of Scrying to speak with her sister, at first those who observed her were concerned but follow up conversations have been far calmer. The Mythril Dragon has expressed regret for her actions and wishes to see her sister freed from the Banished Gods, offering to come help her sister personally before being refused by Obyssia.   She and Rustean clash in the Hammerfall arena daily but their competitions are more of a contest of pure power than a clash of violence. So far they are evenly matched, though Aryzen seems to have been struggling more in recent days due to unknown reasons.   Over the Past Months Aryzen has taken it upon herself to train the younger members of the keep in combat so as to prepare them for threats they may face. Her most frequent Students are Xaelyn Ashdew, Myara Lamplier, Orgos Andronas and Elliot Andronas. While her training is extremely demanding, the four of them are much much stronger than their peers. Even Orgos who does not care much for physical clashes. He claims it is merely to hone his strength of which he already possess an inordinate amount of due to his youth being occupied by heavy lifting and hours spent forging.   When not training her students, Aryzen is nearly always found near Rustean Aldlith. The two have become far more comfortable with their relationship being public, with Aryzen no longer attempting to obscure Rustean's Claim Mark while in her Draconic form. She and the Regal Dragon still spar frequently but in recent weeks Aryzen has seemed less invested in their matches and has been far more reclusive from the denizens of the Keep.   During the battle of Dragon's Claim Keep, Aryzen had her right wing Severed when she attempted to defend Obyssia from a Balor.


Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Towards Aryzen the Defender


Aryzen the Defender


Towards Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Brenzan The Patient


Towards Aryzen the Defender


Aryzen the Defender


Towards Brenzan The Patient


Aryzen the Defender


Towards Majar the Mighty


Majar the Mighty


Towards Aryzen the Defender


Aryzen the Defender


Towards Dalictar, Platinum Knight


Dalictar, Platinum Knight


Towards Aryzen the Defender


Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Majar the Mighty (Brother)
Silver White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7'9" or 29'8"
375 lbs. or 28 Tons


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