Obyssia the Shadow Dragon

I finally get free and he gets stuck for six months in a Wish of all things! Yes I do love him. That does not mean I cannot think he has the absolute worst luck. Anyway, how are things with Rusty?

Grandmistress Obyssia Livisa Lamplier, The Shadow Dragon

The Youngest of the Children of Bahamut Obyssia is the smallest of the lot and by far the most frail in body. Her obsidian scales crack under little pressure and her body lacks the strength of her siblings. When she hatched many though she had been cursed by Tiamat, a weak corrupted spawn of Bahamut. As she grew she was looked at with suspicion and anger and was often pushed about by her siblings. It was when she had just reached her first century that this finally came to a head. A group of Kobolds came offering tribute to her shrine within the Roost and seeing this Aryzen lashed out at them, claiming them as worshippers of Tiamat. Obyssia defended the Kobolds and defended them from Aryzen’s assault. She launched her own scales at Aryzen by flicking her Tail at her elder sister and her obsidian scales tore through Aryzen’s supposedly impenetrable hide. Aryzen in response unleashed her breath of fire in all its power, incinerating the kobolds and ruining Obyssia’s shrine. The Obsidian Dragon was unharmed by the flames but fled the Roost and has lurked within the surrounding mountains since. She has not been observed to have a breath weapon in any respect and remains reclusive, returning to the roost only rarely to collect the few offerings made to her in secret.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following her meeting the young Monk Cian, Obyssia trained him at the Black Monastery for three months. During that time she grew very fond of him and Claimed him, with his approval. Following this she has grown far more confident and, like Cian, exceptionally sarcastic. She aided the Chaotic Seven in purging Greva of Fel Rot and returned to the Roost with Cian. She aided her sister in fighting the Great Wyrm Dartag. When Cian fell to High Lord Lukrag, Obyssia's grief ripped into the Great Wyrm's mind in a psychic blast, allowing Arcanist Eletrias Elsorn to bind the Great Wyrm in place with the last of his life force.   The Shockwave of Eletrias' death sent Obyssia hurtling across the planar divide where she was greedily snatched by the Banished Gods of the Shadowfell and imprisoned where they began the slow process of converting her into a Dracolich and a Vessel for the Banished. She has resisted them and has been incessantly taunting them as they struggle to perform their ritual.   Following Cian reuniting with Trajan Imskar and recieving his mark, Obyssia has enjoyed being able to see Cian and the others for at least brief moments. She is currently questioning why Cian is chasing a monkey around but assumes the best.   She was finally freed after nearly a year of Imprisonment thanks to Klexia Andronas consuming one of the Banished Gods when she ascended to Archlichdom. Obyssia and Cian were almost immediatley seperated when Mazerath arrifved and forced the group to choose between Ari Ashdew and Fraeya Andronas. Obyssia attempted to free both of them from his grasp but was only able to save Ari. She attempted to return shortly after but was Blocked by Mazerath's Wish that the Chaotic Seven stay exactly as they were.   Returning to Dragon's Claim Keep she was introduced properly to Mareena and Myara Lamplier and taken to the Obsidian Atheneum where she quickly settled in as the caretaker of the Archive and began organizing things to her liking. Over the next few months she reunited with her sibilings and the five of them spoke together for the first time in over 600 years. Obyssia has settled into a parental role for Myara and become very Casual with Aryzen, the sisters are often seen together joking about. Bahamut remains distant from his siblings but has been unwillingly dragged to events in the Keep by his Brothers. Obyssia has become fast friends with Majar, the brother that she never truly knew before her exile. Brenzan and Obyssia have spent many hours in the Obsidian Atheneum, attempting to find a method to free the Chaotic Seven and searching for ways in which they might dispose of the Great Wyrm Dartag.

Gender Identity

Obyssia is quite comfortable in either her male or female humanoid form but she prefers her female form.


Pansexual, following her training with Cian. She had previously never found herself attracted to any.


Has read the entirety of the Archives contained within the Black Monastery and is a practiced mage alongside her more martial studies.


Leader of the Obsidian Soul and Unofficial Head of the Cobalt Soul.


Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Towards Aryzen the Defender


Aryzen the Defender


Towards Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Towards Dalictar, Platinum Knight


Dalictar, Platinum Knight


Towards Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Towards Majar the Mighty


Majar the Mighty


Towards Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Towards Cian Lamplier


Cian Lamplier


Towards Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Cian Lamplier, The Obsidian Sage


Towards Obyssia the Shadow Dragon

Obyssia the Shadow Dragon


Towards Cian Lamplier, The Obsidian Sage

Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Caretaker of the Obsidian Atheneum
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
The Last of the Children of Bahamut to Hatch
Cian Lamplier (Partner)
Majar the Mighty (Brother)
Current Residence
The Obsidian Atheneum
Long black Flowing
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Obsidian Scales with Purple Crystal Growths beneath
21'3" or 5'4"
8 Tons or 98 lbs.
Vecna, The Whispered One


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