Fi-Yore Eld

Even something as simple as a bath is hard now. I can't relax or it all evaporates away. Naraxus whispers something Oh. I mean, I'm sure there is room.

Fi-Yore Eld

Formerly a Burnling, Fi-Yore is a Fire Elemental Spirit that views herself as Rone Eld's child. She is a kind spirit, a characteristic wholly unheard of in Fire Elementals.   Following her time within the Volcanic Embrace of Moradin's Forge, Fi-Yore's body has changed. Any trace of Mortality has left her, leaving her as only an Elemental Genie, She resembles an Elder Efreeti but her body is not of Fire but Magma.

Physical Description

Body Features

Her Body has been warped by the Magma within Moradin's Forge, her skin constantly flowing between Black Char and Molten Magma and her eyes looking as if they were filled with White Flame. The Warmth she gives off is palpable even from a distance and where her hair sparked previously it is now pure flame.   She can force her exterior to Cool for periods but this requires concentration and she cannot maintain it indefinitley.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fi-Yore spent her first few months of life as a Simple Burnling dwelling within a volcanic section of the Fire Elemental plane that had been under the watchful eye of the Archdruid Dandren. She was then given to Rone Eld after she was the only one of her kind to approach him.   She spent the next year within a Lantern upon Rone Eld's Staff, occasionally assissting him in Combat before joining he and Veneara on their interplanar travels to help heal Vara Eld and to prepare Rone for his Elemental Incorporations. It was during this time that she gained some degree of Sentience. Not enough to truly be called a mind but she understood what she needed to do to assist Rone. She believes Esther had something to do with this.   It was not until she saw the Elemental Summoning Gem that she understood how she could truly help. Consuming this gave her the power to gain a physical form and awakened her mind fully. She now understands everything that has happened to her throughout her life and views her previous self as a bit dim witted.   Ever since Naraxus has been spending time at the Keep, she and Fi-Yore have been arguing each and everytime Naraxus comes to the Lake that borders on the Starlight Grove. Admittedly, the arguements are petty and they do often end up spending several hours going back and forth afterwards. Anytime Naraxus is brought up around Fi-Yore, she becomes flustered and her flaming hair flairs up. Riona and Dandren have made very effective use of this quirk to escape her supervision.   Giving up on supervising her siblings, Fi-Yore has instead elected to train herself alongside the Water Genie Naraxus. The two of them are near daily competitors within the Hammerfall Arena and they are an extremely capable duo, able to match nearly any opponent between the two of them. When not within the Arena they can be found within The Starlight Grove, The Moon Haven Tower or the Fel-Harmonic Festival. Fi-Yore enjoys spending time with the rest of the Eld clan, especially Ari Eld in her new form.   When Acren informed her of his Future Sight she was seen to openly cry in front of her brother and she has since been spending as much time as possible around Veneara and, when her Father is present, Rone Eld.   She stopped Acren's erupting of the Volcano and held the magma in place until Rone Eld returned with the capacity to close both Portals that Acren had opened to the Elemental Planes. The Experience changed her, her formerly stable body now turning to a molten mess if she does not constantly focus on maintaining her form.   Following her freedom from the Volcano, she has been constantly accompanied by Naraxus, who has been using her own elemental powers to help cool Fi-Yore's body and keep her stable. It pains Naraxus to see the person she loves so much suffer this way, even something as simple as a bath has become a struggle without help.   Fi-Yore remains her mostly cheery self, though it pains her to not be able to enter the Starlight Grove for fear of setting it ablaze with her molten body. Currently she is staying at the Moon Haven with Naraxus as a "Roomate".


She seems to be attracted to a certain Water Genie, though this could all be just a misunderstanding.


Acren Eld

Brother (Vital)

Towards Fi-Yore Eld



Fi-Yore Eld

Sister (Vital)

Towards Acren Eld




While they have only been around eachother for a short time, given Acren lived within the Fel-Harmonic Festival and Fi-Yore spent much of her time with Naraxus, the two share a close bond, with Acren respecting Fi-Yore's knowledge and experience and Fi-Yore trusting Acren to guard their siblings when she is otherwise occupied.   Fi-Yore is not so helpful in silencing the other voices within Acren's mind like Vella Crisvin, as much as she inflame's his primary voice to drown out the others. She helps feed his element of fire, not literally but through her actions, and enables him to think clearly.

Nicknames & Petnames

Acren refers to his elder sister as Torchpole, in reference to her burning hair.   Fi-Yore has been seen refering to Acren as the "Rainbow Dragon" but his true nickname is Junior. She claims this is in reference to his elemental affinities like their father.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy the study and practice of Druidic Magic, and they have a shared interest in the Circle of Wildfire.

Legal Status


Riona Eld


Towards Fi-Yore Eld


Fi-Yore Eld


Towards Riona Eld


Fi-Yore Eld


Towards Daniella Eld


Daniella Eld


Towards Fi-Yore Eld


Fi-Yore Eld

Lover (Vital)

Towards Naraxus mar Cesier



Naraxus mar Cesier

Lover (Vital)

Towards Fi-Yore Eld




They began as rivals and polar opposites being the partial embodiements of Fire and Water, Fi-Yore being quick to anger and Naraxus turning anything she said back on her. They squabbled over petty subjects such as the nature of magic and what was more 'pure', the arcane elemental magic practiced by Naraxus or the Druidic Elemental Magic practiced by Fi-Yore.   As they argued and argued they began to give in to the others opinion slowly. They eventually settled on a happy middle ground, though they still have heated debates about the nature of that agreement. It was then that they began to grow closer, helping the other understand new ways to utilize their abilities. This closeness grew until they were together on the daily and while it is unknown who made the first move, it is known that shortly after they began this daily companionship they were often seen emerging from one or the other's room in the morning.   Following Fi-Yore's stay within the Volcanic Crater and her subsequent transformation, Naraxus has spent every moment she is not aiding Fi-Yore within both the Moonhaven and the Obsidian Atheneum, scrambling for any way to aid Fi-Yore. She has stated that if she cannot help her, she will change herself to balance out the Magma Genie.

Nicknames & Petnames

Naraxus refers to Fi-Yore affectionatley as "my Golden Bonfire".   Fi-Yore has been heard calling Naraxus "My starlight mirror"

Legal Status


Ykiza Eld


Towards Fi-Yore Eld


Fi-Yore Eld

Older Sister

Towards Ykiza Eld


Chaotic Good
Current Status
Helping her dad, however she can
Circumstances of Birth
Formed within the Elemental Plane of Fire as a Burnling
Parents (Adopting)
Acren Eld (Brother)
Riona Eld (Sister)
Daniella Eld (Brother)
Ykiza Eld (Sibling)
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Red, Ashen Black on her legs
95 lbs.
Follows the Stars


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