The Roost, Kingdom

The Roost is the Northenmost Kingdom of the alliance with its eponymous capital residing almost along its northern edge which borders on the tundra lands. The Roost is a mountainous Kingdom filled with valleys where its people settle and live. Most are fairly remote and therefore self sufficient. Though they do rely on protection from the Capital in the form of its Wyvern Riders.   The Five Children of Bahamut are also frequent defenders of the kingdom. With Bahamut The Younger patroling the northern border with the tundra, constantly on watch for Orcish agressors. Brenzan The Patient spends much of his time in the more remote parts of the kingdom dealing with the mountainous threats and occasional Imperial Incursions and patrols. Aryzen The Beautiful Guards the Capital itself while Majar the Mighty patrols the underground tunnels and mines of the dwarves. Obyssia the Exiled makes infrequent appearances when the kingdom is threatened, often only a momentary appearance to assist those in the worst danger before vanishing once more.   The Roost is the source of most of the high quality metals and stones of the Alliance. Their mines provide many of the crystals used by mages the world over and they produce the finest weapons in the Alliance. Its outlying towns provide the mojority of the stone used for the construction of walls or castles in the Alliance.


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