The Woodland Witch

I am Ismera, Woodland Witch and Mother of Titania and the Queen of Air and Darkness. I declare my realm impassable to my daughters and their followers.

Fey Queen Ismera Arterian (a.k.a. The Woodland Witch)

The Woodland Witch is an incredibly Ancient Fey. She claims to have watched the birth of the Gods and seen the rise of the Giants. Regardless of her age her power is immense within her realm, she can appear and dissappear at will, move those wandering her forest on a whim and even cause the Feywild and Material Plane to overlap within her forest.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though according to the passage of time upon the Material Plane she should only be 90,000, she is far far older as she has control of the passage of time within the Feywild. Titania and The Queen of Air and Darkness are both well into hundreds of thousands of years of age and it stands to reason that Ismera is far far older than her daughters.

Body Features

Her left Arm and part of the left side of her torso were taken by the Devil Casmodus in exchange for his return of Archfel Quillima. For what purpose this was taken is unknown but it seems that The Woodland Witch cannot regrow these pieces of herself.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ismera was born alongside the Feywild, born of pure magic and life energy. She is the most powerful of all the Fey, though this power is limited by rules known only to the Witch herself. She is a being born with the powers of creation, instead of destruction as many were given at the time of her birth.   She was alone in the Feywild until she created both Titania and the Queen of Air and Darkness, whos true name has been stripped from all memory. The Witch and her daughters enjoyed their paradise as war raged across the other planes, until the war arrived at their forests. Demons and Angels bled and died upon their lands and it changed the paradise, affecting Titania and The Queen differently. Titania saw the beauty of the angels and wished to stand with them, so she created her own children in their image, manifesting the Fey. The Queen of Air and Darkness saw the power of the Demons and crafted her own darker creatures. When Ismera learned of their creations she wept for her daughters and bound them to not face one another, to which they agreed. But when their creations clashed with one another Ismera attempted to stop the fighting only to be met with blades from both her daughters. Betrayed by her own children, she withdrew into her realm, the Deepwood, and their she remained until she met a young wizard named Caspian Arterian.   It took many trips into the Deepwood for Caspian to truly speak with her, and he passed her grisly collection of previous trespassers each time, but when he did he found not the terrible creature he had been led to expect but a beautiful Fey unlike any other he had seen or heard of. The young human slowly but surely began to win her over, until she allowed him free passage of her realm and she asked him to stay with her. He promised he would when the world no longer needed him and she waited, tending to his wounds each time he returned from another new adventure and being mesmerized by his stories of adventure. The two toiled years within the Feywild, happening upon what would become Nishi Arterian and just before his final departure, she asked if she could share in his family name, for she had none of her own. It was on this night that Chillus Arterian was concieved and it was Caspian's last visit before the final adventure of the Dark Pillars.   When Caspian failed to return, Ismera felt her old ways returning as she watched over her son and daughter. She felt the forest growing darker as she sank into despair at the loss of her love. She sent Nishi away and split Chillus into his human and Fey selves, sending the human half to the academy that Caspian had spoken of so often while keeping the Fey half for herself. She retreated within the Deepwood to mourn and few spoke to her throughout the Purge War, with only a few brave souls pledging themselves to her power.   When her forest began to be ruined by the citizens of Graymark she unleashed a curse upon their king that ravaged their nation and ripped their kingdom apart, until the arrival of The Chaotic Seven who inadvertently showed her that the man she loved was not gone forever but alive within the Devil known as Casmodus. With this hope she has begun to reawaken her realm and reconnect with her children. With Nishi taking Quillima as her partner, the Witch now has more she wishes to protect and she refuses to outlive her family again, though her heart longs for Caspian. She has informed both of her Daughters of her plans and the agreements that kept her safe from them were annuled, now leading to the Summer and Winter Courts fighting with one another as well as Ismera's twilight Court and the Name of the Woodland Witch being spread across the Feywild.


The Woodland Witch

Wife (Vital)

Towards Caspian Arteran, The Master Magister



Caspian Arteran, The Master Magister

Husband (Vital)

Towards The Woodland Witch



Nicknames & Petnames

Caspian reffered to The Woodland Witch as Izzy, as he was, at the time, in the rare company of beings that knew her name.

Divine Classification
Primordial Fey
95,097 Years Old in Material Plane Time
Thick green vines
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green skinned
11'8" (True Form, Height Varies)
105 lbs.

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