Camila Guerra

Camila Guerra is a mercenary for hire who makes a living by doing a variety of jobs across Pastoralis Region . She has established her home base at Mezigal , but she spends most of her time traveling from job to job with her Yaks Panko, who she befriended during her brief time in the Pastoralis military while stationed on the Doran border. To keep jobs coming in, she travels between the main cities of Pastoralis, Alberra and Mezigal, and spends time in each city picking up and completing job postings. While traveling between these cities, she’ll also stop by nomadic settlements and farms and offer her services to those who need it in exchange for supplies. Some of her more common jobs include delivering items, providing security or bodyguard services, material gathering, and pest extermination.  

Early Life

Camila grew up in Mezigal with her parents and two siblings. Aside from her standard education, she spent most of her younger years helping out in her parent’s general store where she assisted in preparing and handling inventory as well as helping customers. However, she quickly became restless with such a sedentary lifestyle and eventually started pursuing other career paths. At the age of 18, she decided to join the Pastoralis Military in hopes of being able to finally get out of her hometown of Mezigal and see other parts of Tel Rialis.  

Military Career

Upon joining the Pastoralis Military, Camila was assigned to The Dorak, Pastoralis’s northern forces that patrol and protect the Doran border. She was given a young yak to train and ride, who she nicknamed Panko and quickly befriended. After her initial training, she spent 10 years in the military, patrolling and protecting the border as well as taking part in several small skirmishes. She quickly bonded with her fellow soldiers and generally enjoyed the active military lifestyle. However, Camila was known to occasionally wander off in an attempt to escape from the strict routine of military life. Because of this, she was considered unreliable by the higher-ups and she never climbed higher in the military rankings. After her decade of service, she decided to retire early and move onto the next phase of her life.  

Post-Military Career

Despite the bonds she formed in the military, Camila was eager to move onto something new. After retiring, the Pastoralis Military had allowed her to take her yak, Panko, with her (mainly because Panko refused to cooperate with any other soldier), so Camila was unable to return to a slower life working in the city of Mezigal. Unwilling to settle down, Camila decided to develop a more nomadic lifestyle where she and Panko would travel across Pastoralis. Unsurprisingly, her parents and siblings stayed behind in Mezigal, but they clearly expressed that she would always have a home within their walls if she ever decided to come home. After setting off with Panko on wandering across Pastoralis, Camila realized her skills she learned in the military could be used to aid others, and in turn, earn her money and resources she could use to support herself. She quickly adapted her nomadic lifestyle to that of a mercenary, and picked up odd jobs in every settlement she stopped at.  

Personal Life

Having adapted a nomadic lifestyle, Camila has few close bonds aside from her family back in Mezigal. However, she enjoys connecting with the people she meets during her travels, even if those connections may only last several days at most. Although Camila spends most of her time either working or traveling with Panko, she enjoys spending her little bits of freetime whittling whenever she gets a spare piece of wood.  


Camila was raised Al Kuliyan , but she doesn’t actively practice her beliefs now that she has set out on her own. Her faith was never particularly strong, but it faded with time after moving out from her family’s home.






Al Kuliyan  




Traveling Mercenary


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