Idols of Kada Gods


The crafting of idols of the Kada gods is a religious tradition among Kaddite children in Tel Rialis. To commemorate the start of the new year, children will make the godly animal of their respected kingdoms as a form of praise. They are used as an offering when sending their council leader off on their journey to Malva , Domina in hopes of prosperity and safe travel.
The idols are made out of clay, and are often painted their kingdom's sacred colors. There are six different types of idols, all coinciding with the six Kada deities. This is a favored tradition among the children of Tel Rialis.

As part of an arts and education initiative in the Malva school system in Domína , school children ages 7-10 were tasked and guided to create clay representations of the six Kaddite gods. The gods are all represented visually by animals, including the heron, the bull, the lynx, the tortoise, the eagle, and the D’Aturan sheepdog.

As Domína so heavily focuses on strong academics in mathematics, history, science, and the liberal arts, fine art endeavors were not as commonplace. During the reign of Queen Adonya (690-768), the initiative to expand exposure to and appreciation of the arts was pushed as a positive addition to early education and to create a more colorful and creative cultural appeal for refugee families. Statues and models such as these were often placed on mantels in homes to be added to family shrines for one of the Kaddite gods, or given as gifts between children to expand knowledge of the other gods that is not necessarily the primary one in the current region.


Corotha The Bull

Corotha is the god of power and weakness. This idol is made by citizens in the kingdom of Ahumm , which is known for its powerful military defense. It is crafted in order to pray for soldiers and mercenaries for strength and good fortune in their endeavors.  

Perone The D’Aturan Shepherd

Perone is the god of bounty and famine. This idol is made by citizens in the kingdom of Briareos , where farming is a large portion of their economy and culture. It is crafted in order to pray for plentiful harvests and to ward off pests and diseases from crops.  

Toron The Lynx

Toron is the god of life and death. This idol is made by citizens in the kingdom of Pastoralis . It is crafted in order to pray for safe guidance of departed souls into the afterlife, and to watch over new life in the year to come.  

Amiar The eagle

Amir is the god of love and hate. This idol is made by citizens in the kingdom of Malagra . It is crafted in order to pray for protection over growing relationships, or for negative relationships to end.  

Cion The Heron

Cion is the god of hope and despair. This idol is made by citizens in the kingdom of Egrecia . It is crafted in order to pray for overall good luck and safety in the year to come.  

Miento The Turtle

Miento is the god of knowledge and ignorance. This idol is made by citizens in the kingdom of Domína , where scholars congregate due to its reputation as a center for knowledge. It is crafted in order to pray for patience, knowledge, and success in a new skill.


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