Karzlo Akunum

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Karzlo Akunum (a.k.a. helminthicEdge)

Karzlo is an enigmatic individual. He tends to stick to himself, carrying out all manner of morally dubious experiments in his free time. He is driven by a yearning to understand what makes things alive; this has lead him to pursue biology and anatomy, with dreams of someday being a world-renowned medical genius. Karzlo can be rather self-absorbed at times, often growing frustrated with others when they disagree with him or don't understand what he is talking about. He can be very condescending and bitter at moments like these, but don't let that fool you--Karzlo does want the best for the people close to him, and, while he is quick to verbally berate, he also knows how care for those around him. Don't be surprised if he is insulting your intelligence one moment, and offering you a cup of tea at the next; this is just how Karzlo is. His reserved and abrasive attitude brings him difficultly in finding new friends, but he tries his best to make time for his friends and loved ones, despite the fact that he is always finding things to busy himself with.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Karzlo's body is covered in dark jade scars brought upon by his lusus' burrowing under his skin or through his eyes. His head is shaven, and he has three horns, which are short and pointy. He has a forked tongue and vertically slit pupils. He is average height for a jadeblood, but is rather muscular, and has a strong posture. He typically wears a sleeveless black shirt and black pants, as well as various pieces of hand-made jewellery such as rings and bands that, while aesthetically pleasing, appear to be symbolic in nature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since Karzlo was young, he has been host to his parasitic lusus. Its nigh-incessant writhing, and the toxic chemicals associated with its bodily functions, put him through sweeps of sporadic pain and discomfort. For quite some time, Karzlo struggled through all aspects of his life, with the intense pain and wavering self-control associated with his lusus' invasion of his body and mind moulding his psyche into that of the reserved, abrasive adult he would eventually become. Karzlo's lusus influenced him into maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, the self-preserving instincts of his guardian pushing him to seek a long, vigorous life. One day, when Karzlo was young, his lusus chemically manipulated him into wandering to a secluded canyon near his hive. There, a large beast attacked Karzlo, and the young jadeblood fought back. After striking it down with a blow to the head, the beast's brittle skull caved in, and it lay still for a moment. The beast twitched and undulated, before rising again to continue fighting. Fevered blows were exchanged until Karzlo eventually managed to take down the rancid-smelling animal. Once it finally fell, numerous white worms crawled out of its various orifices and festering wounds, and slithered off under rocks and into cracks in the nearby stone, leaving the already-partially-decomposed beast collapsed in on itself on the dusty ground. This ignited Karzlo's interest in medicine, with this wonder of nature driving him to find out not the meaning of life, but a way to harness it.


Karzlo is a medical scientist.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Being subjected to years of physical pain brought upon by his lusus' invasion of his form has lead Karzlo to feeling pain differently to most, with it acting as more of an indicator of potential danger than something actively unpleasant. Karzlo is much stronger than most trolls of his caste, and is physically very healthy. He is a talented scientist, and, while his methods may be morally questionable, they are quick to yield results. His is patient when he needs to be, and enjoys making jewellery in his spare time.

Personality Characteristics


To find a way to cure death itself.

Likes & Dislikes

Experimenting, tea, learning new things, interesting people, medical advancements, likeminded people.
Seashells, being told that his experiments have gone "too far", being unable to solve something, boring people, ignorance.


Densra Frenar


Towards Karzlo Akunum


Karzlo Akunum


Towards Densra Frenar


Crzdov Claroy


Towards Karzlo Akunum


Karzlo Akunum


Towards Crzdov Claroy


Pixzie Calpob


Towards Karzlo Akunum


Karzlo Akunum


Towards Pixzie Calpob


10 sweeps (21 years)
➠Sexual orientation
➠Typing Quirk
Tendsss to ssstretch out cccertain lettersss,,, ending sssentencesss with a mysssteriousss sssilenccce...
"The quick brown foxxx jumpsss over the lazzzy dog..."
A small, parasitic snake-worm that lives inside Karzlo's body, burrowing around his organs and injecting him with chemicals.
➠Original Planet
Prince of Life


In Person




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