Aya Tetahu-Ametepet

Aya was the twin sister of the High Ashad Isha, born in Petmuth sometime toward the end of the Five Empires Period. Not much is known about her childhood, except that she is understood to have been a highly-decorated soldier during the latter stages of the conflict preceding The Rending War. She is believed to have found the experience of fighting exhilarating and was given command of a Keshwari military unit at a very young age.   There is then an extended gap in the record of Aya's location from the early stages of the Rending War. She reappeared, much later, in the Basati capital of Cir Nacayjil, after Isha had become an Avatar. It is not known why she became so aggressively antagonistic toward her sister, but documents from the final years of the Rending War point to her having decided that her sister had become a danger to the world and chosen to join the Basati in the conflict.   This leaves many questions about her motivations and actions thereafter. Research using material evidence from Basat and the earliest sections of the Taijis Nil has indicated that Aya may have been able to access The God Machine when she was in Basat, either shortly before or after it transformed Talija into an Avatar. This research also points to Aya having been the individual who entered the God Machine to become twinned with with previously unknown Divine who was titled Ametepet.   Ametepet was first described early in the Keshwari pantheon, some of which material was carried across to the Taijis Nil in Amin Duum by early Taija scribes. In contrast to Sankanthara, Iastraphe, Sedjetnesre, and the other known Divines, Ametepet is not recorded as having a strong presence, except being described as bringing "a terrible forgetfulness". That Aya could have formally united with Ametepet is suggested by a single reference to her in some fractured sections of the Amin Duum Taijis Nil, which gives her the full epithet of "Aya Tetahu-Ametepet", combining Aya's family name with the name of the Divine. If she became an Avatar at the end of the Rending War, it is not known what happened to her following The Rending itself.


Aya Tetahu-Ametepet

Twin Sister

Towards High Ashad Isha


High Ashad Isha

Twin Sister

Towards Aya Tetahu-Ametepet


Divine Classification
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Death
Assumed 0 FEA
Petmuth, Empire of Keshwar
High Ashad Isha (Twin Sister)
Black, large
Black, curled
5' 4"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths

Cover image: by Tithi Luadthong


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