Narmen Arcane Technology


While many aspects of the magic in the world of Amospia are familiar from classic D&D, Pathfinder, Tolkien, etc some things are unique. Possibly one of the largest categories being the arcane technologies (What I'm calling technologies that are magical in nature rather than scientific.) created by the ancient race known as the Narmen. The reason for this is two-fold: first off I've given them a certain aesthetic and culture that is largely unique compared to the largely derivative cultures used by others on the server, but I also possess a need for, and enjoyment of, world building, in this instance inventing new ways magic could be found and utilized. This article will function as a summary and an index of some of the various unique arcane technologies possessed by the Narmen.

The ancient Narmen have seen much in their long history and they have learned how to use magic in ways others have missed. For this reason and others the Narmen possess an armory unique to their people.

Aliden Blade

These blades inherit the magic of the Alidens from which they are forged.

Ancient Runeforging

In ancient times, Narmen were taught how to inscribe items with symbols of power to infuse them with magic.

Gold Energy

Taught to them by the goddess Zovilla, this knowledge allows them to tap into the innate magic found in gold.


Discovered via collaboration with the Void Drow, this substance acts as a counterpoint to Voidstone.

Magic Architecture

Not satisfied with the limitations of standard magic item creation, Narmen learned to make whole buildings into powerful artifacts.

Pettep's Raise Stone

A complex and somewhat secret spell, it moves large portions of rock largely for free.

Return Totems and Badges

Devised by the Narmen to limit casualties in battle, these items save the bearer from death at the last moment transporting them to safety.

Spellbound Tridents

Designed as an alternative to staves and wands, spellbound tridents are capable of performing some magic.

Articles under Narmen Arcane Technology


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