Saqqara Nome

Saqqara Nome is one of the many nomes that make up the heartland of the Idgyptian Empire. It is known primarily as the home of the vast majority of the ancient necropolis sites of Memphis (now New Memphis), including most of what is known as the "Pyramid Fields" running from Giza down to Abusir, Saqqara, and ending in Dashur. Of all these sites, only Giza is located outside of Saqqara Nome.


As the nome is largely made of ancient necropolises, it is governed by a series of priesthoods dedicated to the funerary cults of the various deceased pharaohs, both ancient and more modern. These priesthoods are overseen by a singular high priestess, who serves as the nomarch of Saqqara Nome.


The necropolis sites of Saqqara Nome are some of the most culturally important in the Idgyptian Empire as they are the site of many early royal burials, including most of Idgypt's most famous pyramids. Many large tombs of both pharaohs and other nobles, old and new, reside within the nome, with many of the ancient funerary cults having been revived.


The area of Saqqara Nome is home to most of the main necropolis sites for the city of New Memphis, formerly Memphis, and as such has seen many developments in the progression of Idgyptian tombs over the millennia. Some of these include the Step Pyramid of Djoser, the first Idgyptian pyramid, and the Bent Pyramid of Sneferu, which shows an important step in the transition from step pyramids to "true" pyramids. The newest royal tomb is the mastaba of Amenophis III, Shadotep's father.
Geopolitical, Province
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