Great Lake Nome

Great Lake Nome is one of the nomes (provinces) of the Idgyptian Empire. It was formed in 1455 CE after the conquest of the Lizardman Alliance by the Idgyptian Empire.  


The official settlements of Great Lake Nome include:
  • Dragon Tusk Village - home of Dragon Tusk tribe
  • Green Claw Village - provincial capital, home of Green Claw tribe
  • Razor Tail Village - home of Razor Tail tribe
  • Red Eye Village - home of Red Eye tribe
  • Small Fang Village - home of Small Fang tribe
  • Unnamed Knom Village


While each tribe is allowed to settle their own affairs relatively independently, matters relating to the entire nome are decided by a council made up of the chieftains of the five tribes. This council is led by the nomarch, currently the chieftain of the Green Claw tribe.


The lizardman tribes of the Great Lake existed long before the arrival of Idgypt. The Lizardman Alliance that formed to repel the Idgyptians serves as the basis for the governance of the province following annexation.

Demography and Population

The majority of the population consists of the lizardmen who inhabit the five Great Lake tribes. A small population of Knom inhabit a village of their own in the southeast.
Founding Date
1455 CE
Geopolitical, Province
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
While the Idgyptian Drachmae is the official currency of the empire, its adoption amongst the Great Lake tribes has been slow.
Parent Organization

Articles under Great Lake Nome


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