Idgyptian Royal Court

The Idgyptian Royal Court is the primary ruling body of the Idgyptian Empire. It consists of the Pharaoh and his Vizier, the High Overseers, the Grand Generals, and the Nomarchs.

Members of the Court

As the ruler of Idgypt, the Pharaoh sits at the head of the royal court, with his Vizier serving as his second-in-command.
  • Pharaoh of Idgypt - Shadotep I [Head of government, ruler of the empire]
  • Vizier - Kheti [Head administrative official, second only to the Pharaoh]
Beneath them the Royal Court can be generally split into three categories; the High Overseers, the Grand Generals, and the Nomarchs.

High Overseers

The High Overseers are the officials in charge of administrating the various aspects that affect the entire empire. Each has numerous scribes and bureaucrats in their employ in order to carry out their directives.
  • High Overseer of Agriculture - Neferet [Oversees the administration of agricultural land. Most non-government nobility answers to him.]
  • High Overseer of Commerce - Pakharu [Oversees administration of internal and external trade, setting tariffs and fixed prices where applicable.]
  • High Overseer of Foreign Affairs - Artemisia [Oversees general foreign policy and appoints ambassadors.]
  • High Overseer of Defense - Lysandros [Oversees maintenance of defensive structures and forces within the empire. Also head of police force*]
  • High Overseer of Health - Castophe [Oversees administration healthcare facilities and the training of doctors.]
  • High Overseer of Labor - Mereruka [Oversees administration of labor forces within the empire, as well as the construction of public works.]
  • High Overseer of Housing and Urban Development - Ikeni [Oversees urban planning within the empire, as well as the maintenance of public buildings.]
  • High Overseer of the Treasury - Nekau [Oversees the imperial finances, determining yearly budgets and tax rates.]
  • High Overseer of Transportation - Argyros [Oversees the construction and maintenance of road networks within the empire]

Grand Generals

The grand generals are the heads of Idgypt's armed forces, exercising supreme control in the Pharaoh's names. A notable anomaly is the Royal Guard, which has two grand generals of equal rank.
  • Grand General of the Army - Menskhera [Head of Idgypian ground forces]
  • Grand Admiral of the Navy - (TBD) [Head of Idgyptian naval forces]
  • Grand General of the Royal Guard - Per-Ahmose [Commander of the Royal Guard and head of the Pharaoh's personal guard]
  • Grand General of the Royal Guard - Tekhanamun [Commander of the Royal Guard and head of Idgyptian intelligence network.]


The nomarchs are the provincial governors of the Idgyptian Empire. 


As the absolute monarch of Idgypt, the pharaoh sits as the head of the royal court, with the vizier as second-in-command. Beneath them are the High Overseers, military leaders, nomarchs, and court officials that govern the running of the empire.
Court, Royal
Parent Organization

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