
Sunrider Zeilar

Praise be to Zeilar, the Light that banishes the darkness, the fire of hope that protects us from the chill of despair, the Great Phoenix Lord who redeems us in death, the Warrior and Protector who guards us in times of trouble, the Purifier who cleanses our imperfections in the fires of his own glory. Through his eyes, death is humbled and gives way to rebirth. May I rise from the ashes of my own folly and blaze with the knowledge that you have granted me, oh Phoenix Lord, that I might become a torch casting your light into every corner, expunging the shadow of ignorance from all the faithful.   Nestor the Pious, Flamefather of Brontha
  The light of the sun shines down on the Infernal and the mortal alike, born across the sky each day by the Phoenix God, Zeilar. Born of Vindur and Sin, Zeilar embodies the duality of fire and the eternal cycle of Birth, Life, Death and Renewal. This connection to the mysteries of the Four Pillars makes Zeilar a uniquely transcendent deity among the titans.   Zeilar appears as a magnificent phoenix, burning with glorious radiance and adorned with feathers that proceed from a brilliant white to a deep red, capturing every color of flame that appears naturally. His warmth comforts those in need and his wrath falls upon those who consort with infernals.

Divine Domains

  • Life
  • Light
  • Forge


  • Nestor's Symbol
  • Pyrelighter, the censer wielded by Kalor himself when he returned to Brontha

Holy Books & Codes

Benediction of Kalor, the recorded teachings and proclamations of the Prophet Kalor as recorded by Nestor the Pious. Usually stored as a series of scrolls, it contains instructions for the people of Brontha to rebuild their city, orders to build the four Great Temples, blessings and teachings for living in a time of terrible darkness, an official blessing and acceptance of the Phoenix Knights as guardians of Brontha, the ordering of the new priesthood, and more.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

  • Birth, Life, Death and Renewal are all holy and sacred.
  • The Cycle is a struggle and we must help and guide each other on the way
  • Any attempt to circumvent the Cycle is sacrilege and detrimental to the world


The fourth month of each year is sacred to Zeilar, and the high holiday of the Phoenix Lord takes place on the Summer Solstice.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Protect the sanctity of the Cycle
  • Destroy the undead wherever they appear
  • Give succor to mortals enduring the hardships of the Cycle

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As the Dawn came to an end, the Elemental Sovereigns realized that the new world of the Four Kingdoms would require more than their own will. Without the ability to shape reality by will alone, the Sovereigns needed help preparing the new world to bear life. So did they combine their essence in passion and in thought, and brought forth the Elemental Titans.   Vindur and Sin brought forth Zeilar, the Sun Rider, Phoenix God and Eternally Reborn. His task is to carry the sun across the sky each day so its light can shine down and nurture the Mortal World far below.

Gender Identity

Zeilar is a titan and transcends mere gender but mortals often refer to Zeilar as male, which is fine.

Morality & Philosophy

Zeilar is a god of the cycle. He embodies the duality of fire, teaching mortals how to rain destruction upon infernals while also healing and bringing life. He believes in rebirth and in second chances, but also in justice, bravery, and determination. Kindness tempered by strength. Change and transformation.


The undead. While consorting with Infernal powers is definitely against Zeilar's teachings, the Undead are an abomination that circumvent the natural cycle of Birth, Life, Death and Renewal. As such, Zeilar grants his faithful the power of radiant light to destroy them and return them to the cycle, an act of mercy.
Divine Classification
Elemental Titan
Burning spheres of fire
In mortal form: bright red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brilliant feathers every color of fire


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