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Kingdom of Qurhat

Qurhat is a little known nation at the tops of the inaccessible Kurhati Mountains. There are no roads into Qurhat, only those who can fly can reach the few steep mountain valleys the people of Qurhat inhabit.


Qurhat is an isolated known nation high in the largely inaccessible Orontian Mountains. There are no roads into Qurhat, only those who can fly can reach the few steep mountain valleys the people of Qurhat inhabit. The mountain peaks are riddled with aeries and cave systems. There are six major peaks in the Orontians, all within Qurhat and each the capital of a more expansive 'Aerie' or political subdivision of the kingdom.   Two factors help prevent outsiders from reaching Qurhat. The first is that the Qurhati-Nymeran border is dominated by the fey-controlled Mount Orona and the wild Mount Tantaman - both territories are dangerous and difficult to traverse. The second feature is that K'Shanah-Ch'rth's southeastern border contains more than a hundred miles of untamed and ungoverned Orontian Mountains that need to be crossed before reaching Qurhat. The only other approach is by sea, which is largely prevented by extensive cliffs along the shoreline.   Since the Halaanic Wars, Qurhat has maintained diplomatic relations with two other southern nations - their immediate neighbors K'Shanah-Ch'rth and the High Kingdom of Nymera.


  • For millennia a haven for awakened flying animals and other winged creatures.
  • Caishen creates the caisheni in X B.C. The aarakocra - 'avian caisheni' in Old Ausranic - claim to have been the first (and for many decades the only) caisheni in the world.
  • Flying caisheni migrate to the Orontian Mountains for centuries, eventually populating densely enough to form towns and cities in the mountains and caverns.
  • Kingdom of Qurhat forged from various chiefdoms in X B.C.
  • Refused to join the High Kingdom of Nymera in X B.C.
  • Becomes isolationist for several millennia
  • Joins the Southern Covenant in the Halaanic Wars of a thousand years ago.
  • Becomes semi-isolationist after the war, maintaining diplomatic relations only with their immediates neighbors and contributing aerial scouts to the Army of the Covenant.
  • The current Qurhati Ambassador to Nymera is the parrot caisheni Mishran al'Haroun [bard/artificer] of House Tenriel - songrwriter, retired adventurer, and part-time inventor. Ambassador al'Haroun is known for his intelligence and wisdom as well as a down-to-earth nature that has endeared him to the people of Nymera. He is also the author of the popular songs, "Manticore's Delight" and "Leitha's Song."
  • The current Qurhati Ambassador to K'Shetriyah-Chr'th is the awakened bluebird 'divine soul' sorcerer Aman Hanroa of House Eiran. Aman's family claims the Old God Ea the Windsister herself as a distant ancestor. Aman travels with an amaneusis. The female winged copper dragonborn Denaria Coalaska of House Eiran acts as Aman's confidant, advisor, and bodyguard - as well as taking care of any tasks requiring hands. Denaria has a little magical talent.

The Great Houses

  • House Arenna is known for ruling Aerie Vianeska and often producing Qurhati monarchs
  • House Bhirani is known for ruling Aerie Witran as well as a 400 year dynasty of Qurhati monarchs
  • House Eiran is known for training the best wizards and sorcerers, as well as adopting those who show magical talent
  • House Emiryn is known for cultivating the best artisans in Qurhat
  • House Linroa is known for ruling the militant Aerie Daskier and producing the best warriors
  • House Morayn is known for ruling the fey-dominated Aerie Orona and the wild Aerie Tantaman
  • House Rhantosca is known for cultivating the best merchants and traders in Qurhat
  • House Tenriel is known for ruling Aerie Indrea and training the best diplomats, judges, and negotiators
  • House Vanryn is known for cultivating clerics, druids, artists and musicians


  • Queen Ahran Bhirani II of House Bhirani, golden eagle caisheni
  • Viceroy Davras Morenna, awakened male white crow and cleric of Ea the Windsister
  • Successors are chosen by the Lord from the most capable of their House, not necessarily from among their own children. In the case of the throne, if no suitable successors can be found in the ruling House, the Lords of each Aerie elect a new King or Queen from among themselves. No Lord can vote for themsevles or someone from their own House. Since there are so many potential successors in each House, stable dynasties lasting centuries are common.
  • Houses are usually large and adoption is encouraged among the Qurhati. Houses include adopted children and their heirs and over the centuries the larger Houses have all diversified into several species.
  • Capital is Aerie Witran. Each Aerie has a palace compound which is used by the King or Queen when visiting. They are also used if a new king or queen comes from a different Aerie than the previous one. If so, the capital moves to the palace of the new monarch's Aerie. Each Aerie has been the capital for at least a short time in Qurhat's long history. Since the Halaanic Wars a thousand years ago, most monarchs have come from either Aerie Witran or Aerie Vianeska.
  • The Viceroy and Viziers are chosen by their Lords to serve as advisors and right hand. Some oversee the day-to-day governance of their Aerie while others are more advisor than manager, delegating administration to a Seneschal. The more powerful Viziers also serve as defenders of last resort for their Lord, so many Lords look for physical or magical strength in addition to wisdom and intellect. Given the choice, though, a wise Vizier is always more valuable than one with skill in combat.

Aeries of Qurhat

Each Aerie is ruled by a Lord or Lady who is advised (and sometimes protected by) a Vizier. The Viceroy of Qurhat serves as the Queen's Vizier.   Aerie Daskier
  • Lady Etreska Harenin of House Linroa, harpy eagle caisheni and warrior monk
  • Vizier Sabasha Vintri, female sphinx divination wizard
Aerie Indrea
  • Lord Arantus Vosca of House Tenriel, werecrow and paladin
  • Vizier Alusha Iyarn, female snowy owl caisheni and cleric of the ausranic god Oryaan of the Holy Twins (goddess of dreams, knowledge, memory, prophecy, and secrets).
Aerie Orona
  • Lady Bassarea Maan of House Morayn, sprite
  • Vizier Armao Kiturein, older male faerie dragon
Aerie Tantaman
  • Lord Orosha Rhao of House Morayn, manticore
  • Vizier Harowen Azra, awakened male kingfisher and druid of the Circle of Hieronius.
Aerie Vianeska
  • Lord Merren Escroth of House Arenna, winged owlbear
  • Vizier Tiphraine al'Midian, female couatl
Aerie Witran
  • Queen Ahran Bhirani II of House Bhirani, golden eagle caisheni divine soul sorcerer of the ausranic god Saroyan the Lawgiver (god of cities, kingship, law, merchants, order, the sun, and war)
  • Viceroy Davras Morenna, awakened male white crow and cleric of the Old God Ea the Windsister (goddess of air, flying creatures, storms, and the wind).
Queen Ahran Bhirani II of House Bhirani
Merren Escroth of House Arenna, winged owlbear and Lord of Aerie Vianeska
Mishran Al'haroun of House Tenriel is a bard, a famous retired adventurer, and the current ambassador to Nymera. He is also the only Qurhati most outsiders have ever heard of
Lord Orosha Rhao of House Morayn, ruler of Aerie Tantaman
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Official Languages

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